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EAST NiETRO SPECTAL W�AP4NS AND TACTIC5 TEAM <br />1�IUTAL AID AGREEMENT <br />Th� parties to tk�is Agreement are the New ���ghton Depaxtment o�Public Sa�ety, the <br />Raserrille Police Depar�ment, and. tlae St. Anthony Police Department. <br />Whereas, all parties aare desiraus a£ having thei�r respeciive o�'�'zcers extend theiar services <br />�eyond their res�ective jurisdict�ans fo�- tk�e purpc�ses o�p�ovzdzrtg assistance a�zci <br />en£orcir�g the laws in emergency situations; and <br />Whereas, the pariies hereto believe ihat the e�ta�lishment o� a proce�ure whereby a party <br />ta this Agreement may provide to the othear parl.y, in �h� even� af an emerge�cy, <br />persannei or equipment, would be of great �enefzt tn the pu�ri�c l�ea�t�, safety, and <br />weli`are of their citize�s. <br />Now �laerefare, th� parties, pursuani ta the autho�rity co;�tained in Minn. Stat. §§ 12.27 <br />and 471.59, agree to the followi�g: <br />A. Purpase <br />TY�e intent o£this Agreement is io make ec�uipment, pe�rsanne� anc� other resources <br />available to a paxty of �his Agreement from other parties. <br />$, �7�fnitions <br />"Party": For puzpases of fkzis A�reement, the New B�righton Department of <br />Public Safrety, th� Roseville Polic� Department, and the St. Anthony Police <br />Depart�z�ent are the parties. A party wz�I either be a party "request�ng" <br />assistance ("Requesting Party") or a party "responding" to ih� request �oar <br />a�sistance ("Respo�din� Par�y") <br />2. "Re�uesting O�fieial" mea�s �:h� person �ar persons) desigr�aied by a pa�rty wY�o <br />is �espnnsib�e for requesti�g assistanc� from ather ,�arties. <br />3. "Rec�uesti�g Party" means a party that requests assistariee fram other parties. <br />4. "Resporzding 4£ficia�" mea�s the person (or persons) dcsignated by a party <br />w�o zs x-espansibfe to aetermine w1�et�Zer ar�d tv �w�at extent that party shauld <br />provide assistance to a Req�esting Party. <br />5. "Rc�sponding Party" means a party �hat pravzdes assisiance to a Requesting <br />Party. <br />