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6. "Assistance" rneans law enforeement persannel, equipmea�t, and/or se�vices <br />pro�ided by ihe Responding Party to the Requesting Party. <br />C. Procedure <br />At�thor�zed Represen�atives. Each party shall designa�e the approprzate <br />offcial(s) wzthin its jurxsdictio� who are emppwered to requesi as�istance (i.e. <br />the "Requesti�g Offieial") and to respand to �equests fnr �ssistance from other <br />Parties (i.e. the "Respdnd'zng O�'ficial") und�� the t�rrns o��his Agareement. <br />The parties sl�a�i z�oiify each othex qf the n�,mes, add�ess�s, and telephon� <br />num1�ers of the authariz�d Requesting Official(s) and Responding Official(s}. <br />2. Reques�iug assis�ance. Whe�ever, zn ��e o�ainion of a Requesting ��fzezal, <br />tl�ere is a need �'or assistanee from ather parties, tl�e Requesting O�'ficial �nay <br />ca�l �pon the �tespondin� Officiai o�arzy other paxty to £��ish assistance. <br />3. Re,sponding to request. I.J�pan �-eceiving the request for assis�ance �irom tk�e <br />Requestxng Party, the Res�onding Off eial may a�tharize and direct his/k�er <br />party's persoz�nel io provzde assistance to the Req�esting Party. This decision <br />w�ll be made after considering the �eeds of �.he Responding Party and the <br />avai�ability o� resources. The determination of whether or nat to provic�e tlae <br />r�quest�d assis�ance shall be made exclusively by the Responding dffzczal and <br />shall be canclusive. Neither the Responding Party, nor any of�cer or <br />emp�oyee of �k�e Responding Paxty, shall be �iabie to any other party o� ta arzy <br />other person i'or faili�g to respond o� provide Assistanee to the Requ�sting <br />Party. Any responai�zg peace o�fzcer acting pu�suazzt to this Agreement has the <br />full and com�lete auihority of a peaoe oificer as though appainted by �.he <br />Requesting Party. <br />4. Recall of� Assistance. The Resporiding Offzcial may at any iizne recall such <br />assistance whez� i� his or her best judgment1 or by an ard�r fro�n the governing <br />bady o� the Responding Party, ii is consider�d ta b� in th� best interests of �he <br />Responding Party tn do so. Neither ihe Respondi�g Paz-ty, nor any o�ficer or <br />�mploy�e of the Res�onding Party, shail l�e liable to any other party or ta any <br />other person far recatling Assi,stance under this pro�ision. <br />S. Command of Sce�ae. Tk�e Requesting Party ska�l be in command �f ik�e mu�ival <br />aid scene. The perso�el and equipment ofthe R�spandin.g Party shali be <br />under t�e direc��az� and con�rol a�ihe Requesting Party unt�l the Respondi�g <br />Offic�al wi�hd�aws assist�nce. <br />D. Liab�lity. Eae�. pa�iy shall b� responsibie for i�s own persannel az�d equipment <br />and for injuries n�r death to any such persannel or damage to a�y such equipmerat. <br />