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1. W�rker's compen�ation. Each par�y will ma�ntain warkers' compensation <br />insurance or self-insurance coverage, covering its own personnel while they are providing <br />assistan.ce puxsuant to this Agreement. Each party waives �he ri�h� ta sue any other pa�y <br />�or any worl��rs' compensation �enefts paict to its own empinyee or vo�unte�r ar their <br />d�penda���s, �ven ifthe injuries were ca�sed wholly ar partially by the negligence of any <br />o�her party or it offcers, employees, or volunteers. <br />2. Dam�ge �o eq�ip�n��t. Each pariy sha�l be respnnsib�e �or damages to or loss o�' <br />its own eq�ipment. Each �arty waives the right to sue any o�her party for any clamages to <br />ox Iass a� its equiprnent, even i�the damages or losses were caused who�ly or partialiy by <br />tlae ne�ligenee p� any o�her party ar its off cers, employe�s o:r volun�eers. <br />3. Liatiility tn �hirc� �a�-ties. The �.equesiing Party a�rees to defend and indemnify <br />the Re�panding Party against any cla�ms broughi or actians fled againsfi the Respondin� <br />Paarty ar any a�fieer, emp�oyee, or val�ieer of the R�spar�ding Pa;rty for injury to, death <br />a�, or damage ta the property of any ihird perrson oar perso�s, arising fram f.he <br />perfonnance and provisions of assisiance zn �responding to a request for assista�ce by the <br />R�questing Party pursuan� to this agreement. <br />Uzader no cxzcumstane�s, however, sha�l a�arty be required xo pay, an behal�'of �iself <br />and o�hez parties, any amounis in excess ofthe limits on Ixability esiablish�d in <br />Mznn�so�a S�a�utes Chapi�� 46� app�r'cable ta any ane pariy. The limits of liabi�i�� �'or <br />som�e or all af the �arties may not b� add�d iogether to deterznine �he maxirnum amaunt <br />of lzability far a�z� �arty. Nc�thir�g in xhis Agreement is in��zaded �o eanstitute a waiv�r of <br />any im�nuni�ies and privileges fram liability availabie unc�er ��de�ral Iaw or the �aws of <br />Minnesota. <br />E. Charges to the ]�t�q�estxng Parfiy <br />1. No charges will be Ievied bq a Respondin� Party to this Agreement �nr <br />assis�az�ce renclered to a Reques��n� Party �nder the ter�ns ofthis Agreement unles� t�e <br />assistance con�inues fbr a�eriod of mare than 48 hours. If assistance providec� �nder t�is <br />agreem�nt con�inu�s for more than 48 hours, the ftespond'zng Party will subrnit ta the <br />Rec�ues�i�g Pa�ty an itemi�ed bill for the actual co�t of an� assisiance pxovided after the <br />initzal 48 hour period, inc�uding salarias, overtime, materiaks and supp��es anc� ather <br />�ec�ssazy exper��es; and tl�� RequestFng Pariy will reimburse ihe pariy �roviding the <br />assistanee far thai amo�nt withiz� thzrty (30) days a£ submissian oithe itemized bill for <br />serv�ces. <br />2. ��ch c�arges a�e not eo�tingent upo� the avai�abiliiy of federal or state <br />govez�rne�i funds. <br />