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F. Du�ra�'ron <br />This Agareement will �i� in forc� for a period of �-years fro�n the date of ex�eutian. Any <br />party rnay withdraw �rom this Agreement upan �hirty {30) days written noiiee to the other <br />paz-�y or partics to ihe Agreement. In the even� an� party wi�hdraws from �he Agreement, <br />1:his Agrecmeni shall remain in fi7II force and e��'ect, subject to any rnodifca�ions between <br />ihe re�naining pa�ties fo this Agreement. <br />G. Pasting af Agreement <br />A cn�y o�'this Agre�ment shall be posted a� �he %eadquart�rs of each party's law <br />e�forcement agency. <br />�. Similar A�aree�rrten►ts <br />Any par(:y znay continue any c�ther existing agreements or enter in�a a�her ag�reements, <br />similar in nature to this one withau� consultatio� w�th the other pa�tzes. Tk�zs Agreernent <br />shall not limit any a�'��e �arties in eonneetion wiih any abligations a party may have <br />undcr similar agreernents. <br />�. Government Daia Practices <br />Al� par��es �nust eo�nply with t�e Minnesota Governmeni Data Practizces Act, Minn. Stat. <br />Ch. � 3, as it applies to all data creatied, ca�Iected, received, stored, �sed, rriaintained, ar <br />disseminated pursuant to tk��s Ag��emen�. Tf either party receives a request to release �he <br />data referred ic� i� x�is Paragraph, the party wi11 immediately notify the other party and <br />consult witk� the oiher party before releasing the rec�uested da�a. <br />J. Liability Insura�ce <br />Each party shall provide i�s own lia�bility insurance that a��'ords coverage to it while <br />pexforming responszble fizr�ctians outside i�s jurisdiction pursuant �o this Agreement. The <br />�nsurance coverage obtained wi11 be in at least the liability Iimits set iarth in Mir�riesota <br />Statute Sec�ion 466.04. Eaeh party agrees to modify its co�erage in reflec� staiutory <br />increases in iiabilixy limits that occur du�ring the term o�'this Agreement. No party waives <br />its immunities under Minnesota law. <br />K. Modiiicatians <br />AI1 amer�dm�n�s or rnadif cations �o tl�is Agreement mus� be in wri�ing an� approved by <br />alI �arties a�� i�eluded ar att�ched to t1�is Agreemenl:. <br />