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STATE OF M�NNESOTA ) <br />) ss <br />COUNTY OT� R�MSEY } <br />I, t�e u�zdersigned, being the duly qt�ali�ed City Manager of the City of Raseville, County <br />af Ra�nsey, S�ate oiMinz�eso�a, do hezeby certify that I have careiully cornpared t�� attached and <br />�aregoing extz'act oi' minute� of a regulaar tneeting oi said City Co�ncil held on the 24th day af <br />Septem�er, 2007, witl� the origi��al thereof on �ile in my af�ZCe. <br />WrTNESS �Y HAND af�cially as such Manager this 24th day of Septemb�r, 2007. <br />Williarri J. Malinen, City Manager <br />(Seal) <br />