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Approv�al��. <br />REQUEST FOR C4U�NCIL ACT�ON <br />DATE: 09/24/2Q�7 <br />-�_ ITEM N4: 7.i <br />Agenda S�c�ion: <br />Consent <br />Item �7esciip�ion: Approve the �l�ase � Scope o£ Wa�k for the Cozn�p�rehensive Plari <br />Update {PR(�J�000�) <br />�.Q <br />3 1.1 <br />4 <br />S 2.0 <br />G <br />7 2.1 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />lI <br />I2EQU�STED AC'I'�ONS: <br />Apprave tlae revised scape o�'worlc for �ha�e II oithe comprehensive planning pracess. <br />BACI�GROUND: <br />4n Augusi 27, 2Q07, the City Council selected HKGi as tl�e consulting firrn to <br />undertalce the update a�'t�e City's Co�nprehensive Plan and approv�d staff �o work witlz <br />the coz�sultant to develop a revised scnpe of service and l�udget for Council <br />co��sidcration. <br />l2 2.2 On September �0, 2a47, t�e City Council approved a co�tract with HKGi to cn�np�ete <br />�3 the ini�ial p�as� ofworl� associa�ed with t�e updating of'the City's Comprehensive <br />14 P1a�z. This work is focused an bacl�grounc� research, p�-ocess kickoff, a�d publ'zc input. <br />i 5 TY�e tatal ainoun� far Phase � is $33,937A0. <br />16 <br />� 7 2.3 City Sta£f �as worked wit� HKGi to ptepare a revised scope of w�rit %r Phase II of ih� <br />� 8 cornpre�en�ive plai�ni�g process, {The revised scope oiwark i� attacl�ed to this report.) <br />�9 TI�e second phase oithis project wi11 be directed towards analysis of p�anniz�g elements, <br />2p including land use, traz�sporta�ion, parl�s and recreation, natural resau�ees, and <br />21 ecanor�ic developmen�, as weli as updatir�g the plaa�. The toial, nofi to exceed amount <br />22 (ineluding expenses) for Pl�ase �I is $102,�73.00. The corz�bined amc�uni �a� bot1� <br />23 p�ases (as propnsed in tlae original proposal dated Tuly I3, 2007) is $1�6,410.00. <br />24 <br />25 3.0 <br />26 <br />27 3.7 <br />STA�'�' R�CQMMENDATION ANb SUGGESTED ACTION: <br />Sta�'�'recom�nends �hat the City Cauncil approve the contract for P�ase I� of t�1e <br />28 Comprehe�sive Plan. <br />29 <br />�o <br />31 <br />32 At�ach��el�ts: Attachzn ent A: Scope flf Wnrk �'or P�ase TT of �e Coinprehensive P1an Update <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />3G Prepared by: Mi�e Darrow ar�d 7anie Radel, Comtnunity Dev�lop�nent <br />37 <br />Page 1 of 1 RCA�092�107 PhasellScope <br />