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. Fi� with existing City �lans and policies, <br />• �nr��Iicatiqns for non-land use ci�apters of �he Coznpz-ehensive Plan. <br />• Prajeetions of res�iting population and e�playment. <br />• Abiliry to addre�s the issues identi�"ied in Task 4. <br />• Fit with existing plans and palicies of the Met�o�olitan Council. <br />5.2 — Conduet staf#'Icansultant charz�ette <br />HKGa witl design and eond�.rct a charrette with City Staff. The c�arc-ette will be used to create scenarios <br />for the future of Rpse�ville and to begin th� process of evalua�ing these scenarios. We have found �hat a <br />aharrette is an excellent means of blending ��e expertise o� city and HKGi staffs. The charret�e allows us <br />ta draw upo�� a broad range of internal exp�rtise. <br />We e�viszon the c�arrette as a one-day (+/- 6 hour) session at HKGi a��ces. The c�arrette will occ�r in <br />two parts. The first part will use the work undertake by HKGi in tk�e previot�s task to create 2� future <br />scenarios far Roseville. The second part will develop criteria io be �sed in the evaluation of the scenarios <br />S.3 — Refin� the scenaz-ias <br />HKGz wiIl use the results of the charr�tte �o re�ne t�e scenaz-ias and ta camplete ihe evaluation <br />frarr�ewark. This step creat�s inforn�ation ta be used in the ca�a�unity review and evaluation process. <br />5,4 — Conduc� community evaZuatian <br />The eomm�nity evaluation of ihe fu�ure sccnarios cansists of the follawing �teps: <br />Steerin�g Ca�anittee revievv <br />The �rst step in the evaluation process is a worksho� with ihe Sieering Connmi�tee. <br />City Cauncil u�date <br />�KGi rr�i�l rneet �wvith tF�e City Couneil in a work session �o expiain the fut2�re scenarias and �he evaluation <br />appr4aci�. <br />Comr�uni�y inva�ve�nent <br />T�is junctuz-e in tt�e planning process is a eritical poini for ca�nmunity involvement. We will �xse several <br />appxoaches to obtain guidance and to broaden participa�ion. <br />• HKGi will design and conduet a cazn�unity woz'kshop ta abiain feedback on the future scenarios. <br />We wiIl use a eombinaiion of presenta�ion and sr�rall gro�� inp�t �xercises ta create a� engaging <br />and productive workshop. <br />o HKGi will work witkt City Staff ta praduce a videotape oithe in%rrnational presentation madc at <br />the warkshop. This videota�e can be braadaast on ca�le TV and put an DVD for use by other <br />groups. <br />6 <br />