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• H��Gi wi�l prepare a vcrorkshap kit that allows g�-oups io candt�ct the �workshop and pro�ide input. <br />These lciis wi3i not be availa.ble un�il after the cornmtttaity workshop so as not discaurage <br />attendance, <br />• HKGi will pre�are an Intern�t survey t�€at can be �sed for input on the seenariQS. <br />Steerin� Com�nittee workshop <br />Tl�e Steering Committee ca�ele�des this task by reviewing the public input and reaching agreemen# an the <br />preferred future scenario. This scenario serves t�at the fra�ework fo�' updafing the Ca�nprehensive �'lan. <br />Task 6— Create Draf� o� Updated Corr�prehensive Plan <br />The vvork perforrned in Task 5 wiIl praduce much of the information required <br />ta updafe the Comprehensive Plan. � t�is task, HKGi and Ciiy staff wi11 <br />tra�lsla�e the results of the planning process into a draft of t�e updated chapters <br />of the Comprehe�nsi�e �'lan, <br />• Su�rriit draft ehapiers for staff review and enmm�nt. <br />• Cor�duct Steering Cornmz�.tee works�aps for review and eomrnent on <br />draft chap�ers. <br />• Malce revisions �a drait. <br />• Sub�nii �nat draft chapters for Steering Coinmittee approval. <br />Tl�e plan will generally incl�de the following chapters: <br />Land Use Fla�� <br />HKGi wi11 lead �he effart �o prcpar� the land use chapter of the plan based on <br />t�e selected futures altez-native (outcome of Task 5}. The land use plan will <br />address the desired loca�ians and rnia�es a�' residential, comrnereial, industrial, <br />of�ce, institutior�al, mixed-use, public and se�i-public uses and provide an <br />ar�aIysis of sub-areas as de�ned during t�e planning p:racess. In f�xt and <br />graphic forms, the land use eh.apter will illusnafe the £utu�'e land t�se pattern, <br />illust�ate desired develo�ment forrns and illus�rate specific <br />ctevelop�neni/redevelopment areas (sub-areas). <br />Transpor�a�ion �'�an <br />The Transportation Ptan witl entail a complete review and u�date of the <br />previous plan (2003). �'er the Metropolitan Couneil requirernents, the iransportation plan will enco�npass <br />existing and plaz�ned �xzodes of transportation, both publie and private. These rraodes iz�clude: �'ansit, <br />highways and roads, passageways far non-�otorized vehicles, freight znove�ent and aviatinn. <br />Transportation plan ca�►npt�nents wiIl include: <br />• Revrew and Update Goals and Objectives for tl�e Transpartation Syste�n <br />• Collect Data and Document the Exisfing Transportat�on Sys�em. <br />� <br />