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• De�velo� Tra�fc Projec�ions <br />• Determine Alternatives an� Strate�ies to meet ihe ft�ture t�anspartatian neet�s based a� the futuz-e <br />lanci use. <br />e Developme�t af Transportaiion System Plan <br />Housing and NeigYiborliood P1ans <br />The Hnusing and Neighborhood chapter will be primarily prepared by Roseville staff. It will analyze <br />existirzg housing data, pre�are a hausiz�g needs assess�nent, evaluate neighborhood conditions, evaluate <br />affordability, a��d evaluate lifeeycie and workforce l�ausing needs. It will discuss tl�e City's ongning role <br />in hausin�; and will identify iocal and r�gional resources to aecornplish hausir�g objectives. <br />Econoa�tiic and Redevelap�ent Pian <br />Hi�Gi wzll assist Roseville sta�'� in a cornplete rewrite of the Economic and RedeveJopment Pian chapter. <br />Based or� the current �lan chapter that identi�`ies exis�ing canditians, looks a general city g4als, offers <br />redevelopm�nt s�-ategies and addresses and prajectians, HKGi will suggest a revised fozxraat for <br />tl�is co�npo�7ent af tl�e plan. HKGi's suggest�d content fpr this section of the plan will be co�npatible with <br />rather than d��lieat� informatior� contained in the Ianplementation partion af ihe plan. Tt wi11 re�eat the <br />"best practices" ap�roach outlined in the RFP. <br />Environrrrentiai Prvtection Plan <br />The Environmeni Proiection chapier of the plan currently includes the water resouree plan and the <br />z-esource proiection plara. HKGz will assist the City wifih nr�inzrr�al �tpdates ta these plan aomponents. A <br />mare detailed analysis oitl�e r�at�,�ral resources �rotectian ot�mpc�nents of the plan will oceur. <br />Parks ��a� <br />The reeent Parks P1an will be review�d and modi�'ied as nc�eded to ensure cansistency with the updated <br />Con:�prehensive Plan. A rnore detailed re-write o� the Parles PIan wilI li�ely occur s�bsequez�i to the <br />�reparatian of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Ctsmmunity Faci�it'res <br />WSB vvill provide minimal assistance ta City staff as needed tn update tY►e Saniiary Sewer Sup�Iy Plan <br />and the Wa�er �upply Plan. <br />Tmpierrientation i'tan <br />H�Gi will take a teac� role in r�-writing tha Ir�pleme�taiion section nf the plan. This section of the plar� <br />will idet�ti�'y lc�y strategic initia�ives t11at will I�elp carry put the community's visio�� and build upon <br />directicans establisl�ed in the Gomprehensive Plan. The im�lementatioz� plan witl include an analysis of <br />i��consistencies betvreei� tl�e �tpdated Coinprel�ensive Plan and fhe city's zo��ing and subdivisinn <br />oraznances. <br />E:3 <br />