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Task 7— Co«c�uct P�au Re�fer„v and Seek Appro�vals <br />T�e Steering Commi�iee review process in Task 6 supplemented by an initial City <br />Council review will resul� in a carnplete clraft of ihe updated Caznpxehensive 1'lan. <br />Task 7 guides the draft �lan through the review and appraval process. <br />7. � - Prepare exec�tive s�rr�mary <br />HKGi will prepare an executive sumanary of the draft Camprel�ensive Plan. 'T'lae <br />executive su�-nmary wi11 be used ta facilitate tl�e community and ageney reviews <br />to be conducted in this task. The executive s�mmary will be pre�ared in a form <br />that allows for bo��i printed a�d Izatez�aet publication. Thc; executiv� sutnznary wiil <br />be submitted inr review and corr�rnent by Ci�y S�aff <br />7.2 - Conduct cornmuniiy pla� raview workshnp <br />HKGi will design and conduct a workshnp �o �resen� tiae dz-aft plan and to reeeive <br />feedback �'roin t�e public. It zs anticipated that �his workshop woulcl be st�uctured <br />in the farm of an open house. This fa�nat spans a two-three l�our �eriod withaut <br />a fxed, li��ear agenda. Individuai "statio�s" would be set up for eacl� chapter of <br />ihe Ptan. A tcn ta �ifteen minute Power�'oint presenta�ion explaining the �pdated <br />Plan would re�ea�ed tl�roug�aut tk�e session. HKGi wo�ld prepare both structured <br />and open-ended canx��nent foz�s. This approaeh prnvides participants wit� <br />�exibility i�� attendance at�d focus. HKGi wi1l �zse a different workshop fpz�zaat if <br />better suitecl to the needs for pubiic input. <br />7.3 � Submit dra�t �1an fbr iocal gove�nmen� review <br />Stat� Law r�quires that the proposed Compreh�i�sive Ptan be subnnitted to adjacen� governmen�al units <br />and affected sehool districts for review and comme�t at least six rnonths prior �o submission of t�e pla�€ tv <br />the Metra�o[ita�� CounciL HKGi wil� prepare a"z-eview packet" to facilitate this process. The paci�at will <br />contain a covEr m�morandut�r� and a hard copy of �he complete draft Comprehensive Pla�. T�e cover <br />memorandum will explai� the z�at�ttre of the requested plan review, highlighi the planning process, and <br />deseribe channels of carnanunication far questions and cnrnments. <br />7.4 - Assist wit� policy maker review <br />HKGi �sviIl prepare a similar pacicet to facilitate xevisw of #he drat� plan by City advisory cozz�missians <br />and cammittees. It is ani:icipated that City Staff wzil be responsible for obtaining feedback frozn these <br />groups as part oi the re�ular meeting sc�edule. <br />7.5 - Meet witl� Metropolitar� Councii staf�' <br />HKGi and City Staff wall mee� with the Metro�olitan Councii to review the draf� plan. Tlae pu�pose of <br />this review is to idenlify patential areas of concern before fo�nai adoption by t�e City and sub�nission for <br />Met�opoli#an Council appraval: <br />� <br />