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7. Serve as a readily availab�� resource for questiazas �roxn thc ma�a�em.en� or t��ezx- <br />deszgz�aled represeniative ai: auy ti�n� withou� additional cost. <br />8. �..0 r�ould r�velcome any opportur�iiy to cand�et joini trainin� or oil�er se�vices to o�:ka.e�- <br />cities �wzth whic�a t��e City o�Rosevz�le nra,ay ��ave a mu�ual aid an-az�gei�e���. Any <br />adciitional costs would be pre--appraved and wauld reflect az�y a�p�icable discou�ts due ta <br />additiona� patential busix�ess opportunities fo�- �,C. <br />ST�.��'ING: �LC wxll pxovide quali�ed �rofessionals as needed to meei; tl�e na�ure of the <br />servic� r�qu�s�. <br />�ERV��� �,�'VE�� <br />ILC agrees tllat it wil� �zovzde se�vices o�a ��igh quality i�� a proa�a��t and e£�iciesit i��as�ner to the <br />City of Roseville. <br />GEI�E�T.� CO�TI]ITIC9N� e <br />1. �t is u�derstood t�1at �1ie Cii:y of Rosevi�le �zas retai��ed ILC as a w1�ole co�lipany a��c� <br />therefoxe will z-eceive tlae laene�"it of a�1 app�zcab�e resources. <br />2. �LC ��ay have to worlc off-siie a� its own office som�tim�s. <br />3. Whe�lever ILC staf�l�ave p�azzned ta be on-szte a�d sometk�zzag cames up tk�at �equzres a <br />claaz�ge iza t��� schec�ule, t1�� a��ected �arties wiIl be notified as far in advance as possrb�e. <br />4. The City of Rpseville wz11 pro�ide IL,C staff witl� adequate worl� space for those ti�xzes <br />they are req�zired tn r�varl� o��-si�e. <br />5. Stai�dazds z-egaz�dzxag xeaction iirn� to requesis for service ar timeliizess of repoa-�s b�y�nd <br />znoz�tl�ly routine. <br />Uporz r��quest for� ser�vice, beyond tlie �azontlzly sch�cluled seYVice, ILC will �nake ar� iniiial <br />car�tact wit1� t1�e City of Rosevil'l� tvitl2iri 29 Izou�s excludirag holiday,s and weelze�ads. <br />Followirzg this cantact, a��autually ag�eed upon date arzd ti�ne, for the .reT-vices will be <br />arraraged. <br />6. D'zspe�semc�t (r�l�ase) ai�d tilnelr�less of reports. <br />All repo�°ts ge��ei�ated tlirougli t7iis Agreerne�zi ivill be r�zade dir ectly to the City of Roseville. <br />D��ailec� re�aort..s will be gene�^ated witlai�z 10 �vd�°lzi��g clays of ilie �eceint af�nal irzfor�rnatior2 <br />�erti�2e��t to iii� �°eport (eg. lab �� <br />7. TX�e k�ours allotted fo� tl�e service period are consumed at the rate of oz�e ho��.� �'p�' ane �1aur <br />during �ZOnnal day s�ifi ho�rs (7:OOam tl�augl� '1:OO�am), a�1y o��-site la�or req�zired <br />d�.tzn.g c��k�ez that tlixs ti��1e fra�ne 1�etween Monday azxd Friday, would consuzxae �.25 1�o�rs <br />�e1- contract l�o�r. Oz�-site la�a� requized durz�lg weel�ea�.ds would �e cons���ed at �.5 <br />l�ou�°s �aez co�ztraci hour. T��e �"zxed nrzo�tlaly fee does not z��czease, on�y �1�e zate o£�1o�rs <br />Gity af Roseville <br />D�a�oi�1� A�ee�nent - Loss Cont��ol Services <br />August 15, 2007 <br />Irategf�rzCed l:oss Canta•pl, Ir�c. (6.51) 633-GS25 <br />