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�ztilizatio�z during thcse ��on-typieal ac�ivities. <br />8. A�reenr�ez�t Administrator. <br />Tlie Ag�'eern�nt Atlnainistrator for t1�e City of Raseville is B�enda K. Daviit, Assistant <br />Fina��ce Di�^�ctor. <br />The Agreenaent �ldnzinistrator fa� ILC is Michael Holnzquist, MS, CSP, P�esicleni. <br />N�'I"�: AIX sezvzces provided by �LC ��1rou�li th�s Agreelnent are to be coordinated <br />�17rou�h the Agreerraent Adzni�aistratax or hisl��er desigz�ee. <br />�# IC 1- :_ �i - '- :�- _ 'J <br />As a resuit of.'rendering servic�s under �lzis A�ree��ez�t a.,C wil� leana the idez�tity af �Cey <br />employees, clients of t�e City o�Ras�vzlle and wi1� leal-rt about �he ��atur� of tlae work �ei°Formed, <br />and �esul�s achiev�d by the City of Rascv�l�e at1� tlie procedures, systerns, forms, anc� <br />methodolo�ies �tzlz�ed by tkze City o£Roseville z�� its %usin�ss. T�is informatioz� con�titutes <br />confidential, proprieraiy infnnr�atic���' af tlxe City of Rosevi��e. n.,C slaall �xof us�, divulge ta, or <br />disc�ose to a�y person or enti#y, without wri�ten consent ol an officer of tl�e City of Roseville, <br />any Coazfide��tial ��7f�zxxaatzoza unless legally req�zired ta do so, �a add�tzon to anc� rzoi to ihe <br />exclusion of any otl�ez rig�ts whzckz tlae Czty o�Roser�zl�e may l�ave, th� Ci�y o�Ros�vzlle shali 1�e <br />ezafii��ed to seek i��junctive relief to res�rai�7 any thr�at�rz�d or actual breach of ILC's obli�atio�-�s <br />u��der tl�is Sectiol�. The tez�z�ns o£ t�zs Co��"identiality �ectio�� sha�1 s�rvive tl�e ter��i��ation of this <br />Agxee�ent, <br />As a z-esu�t of usi��g the services of ZI,C under this Agreei��en�, the Ci.t� of Roseville will learn the <br />ideiltity ofi key II,C �7���oyees aaa� wi�l �earza abaut a�d receive (purchasej p�aceduxes, products <br />(�ard copy and/or elec�roi�ic), ec�uipment, fnrms, and rriethodningies utilized by TLC ii� �ts <br />bt�si�ess. T��is infonnaiion is for the sole use of t�e Ci�y of Rose�ille arzd eo�stitutes <br />coz��ciet�.tia�, �zapzietary i�a�'or�ation of �L,C. T�� City of Rosevilie s11all ilot use, sell, c�ivulge io, <br />or disclose tn any person or eza.iity, outsz�e the scope p�i�is Agxeezxae�t, ara.y co��idez�tial <br />�znatza�a witl�o�t writteaz consent of a�i ��'�cer ofi ILC. The ierms af �his Co��fidentiali�ty <br />sectiQn sl�all survive t�e te�inaiion o�'thxs �1.g�eement. <br />�L� �� A�AILAI3T�� TO PR�VYDE THE F�LL(�WiIV�G GEI�iER�.�. �ER`ViCES <br />IL,C wi11, t�pon req�aest a�d as a��ropriate, �rovide servic�s sucl`� t1�at ihe follawzng general ]�oss <br />Ca�rtxol ActivitiesfSer�ices are readily available. II.,C ca�� be �vaila�le ta ac�dres� pro�ain <br />��eed� �vhieh co��e up �ontk�ly, quaz�tex°�y, anr�ually a�d tl�ose w�aich a�e az�going day-to-day. <br />� !: A J : <br />Asszst in developing Loss Control strategi�s, worki�zg r�viih top manageme��t to dcter��linc th� <br />level of pz'ogzazn zaecessary to accepi, trans#�er or elimi�aate ris�C of loss. <br />C€ty of Roseville <br />�ngoing Agreernezat - I..oss Coi�trol Se�r�ices <br />August 15, 2Q�7 <br />hztegrated I oss Ca��trol, I�za (G51) G33-6525 <br />