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.��1�� �� 1�.�� ,�'�.�' � �'� ��.�.�..��.�.��� <br />Ci.�.l�E�4L 1zLS.T'DI�"S'X.13.���2'TE,� C14N.�1��`.�%iD�. <br />Upon s�eci�"ic request, detect azad monitor facility cox�ditzons that may adve:rse�y affect t�e k��alth <br />of employees a��dlo� violate applica�le laws, and to e#��"cet or recoz�ne��ct coreeciive �aeasures. <br />Audat aa�d develap sa�ety pro�razr�s az�d ia u�grade i�nr���e�aae��ec� acciden� preventinn procedures <br />and progxaxns. .A.�sist ii� revzewing a�d inaintaini�g records rec��ired by fcc�era�, staie a�d. local <br />laws and those req�ired by the City o�Raseville. <br />S�'�C��'ZC ��RVZCE t��A�: <br />�:�.0��11� �U��'�"� -�eview existi��g caz�apl.iance prngra��txs and �de��tify those compliar�ce <br />�rogra�ns absent, mal�ing reco�nrnei�dations as need�d, (��: AWAI�t., �ti�l�t-To-Know, <br />Res}��z•atory 1'rotectzoza �'rograi�z, Fork�ift Operations, Wnr�Cers' Co���nsatio��, etc.) <br />�TE�,'�'H � SA��TY P�22.OGItA1VT - assist wit�a providing tlle develo�az�ae�t, i�ple�nenlatio�, <br />mai�ztenance and trainin� required to ineet f�dezal, state and local regulatio�ls {ex: Min��esata <br />1�.WATR Iaw}. <br />�M�'LO"YEE ��?ART� �ON.Cl�UNICA`�`Y�lld' - a�sist with providing the deve�a�a��e�t, <br />iz�zplera�ezata#ian, main�e��ar�ce arid train.i�i� requ�red to ra�eet federal, state azad 1oca1 regulat�ons <br />(ex: Miz�nesola Ei���Ioyee Rigl�t-To-Know Iaw). <br />�'���:�Tt �'ROGRAII'.[� - assist with pravidi�ag the develo�zzaent, i��pI.einenta�ioz�, �naiz�t�z�a��ce <br />asad training requzred ta zne�� fed�z•al, staie and local reg�lations. <br />II�C:�1lT'�IVE PR.C�G�NCS - assist with tl�e developrn�z�i, iX�plez�ex�tatio�� aiid maintenaz2ce as <br />appl�cable. <br />W�� E�V�RONS�1fEl0iT ���E��lO�EN'T - assist wi�la pxovidiz�g �a�lysical iaazarci assess�.e���, <br />eonduct selec�ed z�dustzial lxygiezae e�valuatxo�s (5a��lizag £oz- az� cozata�ni��ants, lxazardo�s <br />sul�stances, han�f�l �a�zysical age�zts ox iz��ectious a�ez�is), ex�ox�aznze a�alysis, �zoise surve�s and <br />gezae�al �nvi�oz�xaenta� assessznent. <br />Eli'�E�GENC�' AC'T`It�N PLAN - assis� wit1� �he development, imple�entatio��, n7ai��fe�a��ce <br />and applic�ble training. Ensurirlg that OSHA require��ei1�� are met wit�� the same progra���. <br />SA�]E'�'Y '� 1�A� (�ommittee) - ass�st wi.�h �11e tx-ai�2iz�zg and facilitating o� t�e safety committee. <br />�'�AZI�IllTG k'ROGRAMS - Pzavide traia�uxg suck� as, laut ��ot 1i��ited to: <br />�nxployee sa�ety t�aizxiz�g <br />�mployee Ri�Ixt-Ta-Know <br />lrftiz�g ��ec��aiiics <br />resp�z atozy prot�ct�aza <br />�•epetitzve zna�iox� (ca��aa.I tur�tlel} <br />locicout/tagout <br />City of Rase�ille <br />Oz��oing A���e�za�ent - Loss Control Services <br />August 15, 2047 <br />Ira,tegr°ateci Loss Cotzt�°ol, Irzc. (G51) 533-6525 <br />