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JA�7[' POWERS AGREEMENT <br />�'�:�. TIi� CITY OF NORTH ST. PAUL'S `�`E��.'ORARiz <br />UTII,LZATION OF A CITY OF ROSEVILLE EMPLOYEE <br />TFIIS AGREEMENT, entered into by and between the CITY OF ROSEVII,LE, a <br />Minnesota municipal corporation, and the C'ITY OF NORTFI ST. PAUL, a Minnesota <br />municipal corporation, is effective upon the execution of this Agreement by the named officers <br />of both cities. <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, North St. Paul is in need of temporary Geographical �n£or�nation Services <br />(hereinafter "GIS"} technical assistance and is without staff to provide the needed services; <br />WHEREAS, Roseville has �+TS technicians that are able to provide the services required <br />by North St. Paul and; <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 471.59 authorizes political subdivisions of the State to <br />enter into Joint Powers Agreements for the j oint exercise of powers cn�nmon to each. <br />NOW, T��ETO�, it is mutually stipulated and agreed to as follows: <br />1. SERVICES. <br />A. The City of Roseville shall provide qualified �FS technicians ("Employees") to <br />perform �Z5 and related services required by the City of North St. Paul. The City of Roseville <br />shall be solely responsible for compensating the assigned Employee(s) engaged in providing ��� <br />services under this Agreement, including any overtime wages incurred, as well as any insurance <br />or employee benefits provided under the policies or agreements of the City of Roseville. <br />B. The City of North St. �Paul will provide the necessary office, equipment, and <br />supplies for the assigned E�nployee(s) to provide the services required hereunder and will bear <br />all costs attendant thereto. <br />81872 <br />