166 equipznent and �edieal instrtzz�entation devices shall mean both comp�ter h�rdware and
<br />157 software, word pracessing equi�ment, caleulators, biomedicai, bialechnical, medical supplies,
<br />I 68 pros�h�tie devices and sirnilar products. (Ord. 895, 1-11-82), (Ord. 1286, Q8-04-2�03}
<br />169 FAMILY: Farnily shall inean one of the �'ollowi�g:
<br />170 a. Any garoup of pea�le lzving �ag�t�er as a s��gle housekeepir�g unit, a11 af whom are
<br />�'1I xelated by blooci, maxriage, or adoption plus children who are u�der fo�ter care.
<br />172 b. Up to four people not so related, iiving ta�;ether as a si��le �aus�lceeping u�it.
<br />173 c. Any grou� of people living tog�thex as a single housekeeping �uait, if no rnore �1ian two
<br />�74 adult �nembexs functian as the heads o�the household grnup and �he remaining amexnbers
<br />17� are depenrlent upon them for eare and direction due to age, p�ysica.l disabiiitys a mental
<br />176 ir�compet�r�ey or foz oth�r reasons.
<br />177 d. Azay �z�dividual, who zs t�e owner, living and maintaining a com.mon housuhold and using
<br />I78 a commnn cooking and kitchen �acility.
<br />1'�9 (Qrd. 1286, 08-0�-20�3)
<br />180 FLOOR AREA: (For the purpos� of deter�mining off street par�ing and off-�treet loading
<br />�$1 require�ents.} T�e s�m of the gross horizontal floor area of the various floors o� a buildin�
<br />182 measured in square fe�t and from inside walls; e�cl�dir�g ar�a devoted primarily to storage,
<br />� 8� aisles, Iunc% rnnzns, and ��ing rnor�as. Howevex, fi�oor area shall not �neZude �•estz�oaxns and
<br />184 hall�ways. (Ord. 1256, 08-Q4-2003j
<br />18S �LC)�R AREA, GROSS: (�'or the purpas� of determinin� �he flonr area ratio conversions o£
<br />186 existing structures and ma�im�.un size oi husiness es�ablis�ments.) Tk�e s�m o� the grass
<br />1 S'1 horizantal area of the various floors o�' a building m.eas�ed i� square �eet #'rom exterior wall �o
<br />1 SS exter�ar wall. Unoccupied base�zents and space c�evoted to off street parking shal� not be
<br />I89 includec�. (Ord. i2&6, 08-04-2003)
<br />190 T'LOOR AREA RATIO: Tk�e nur�crical value ahtained t�ough dividing t�Ze gross flaor area of a
<br />191 building or buildings, excl�d'zng accessary structuxes, by the net lat ar pareel nf land area on
<br />�92 w�ich such buildiz�g or building� are located. ((�rd. 2'�5, 5-12-59) (Orci. 1285, 08-04-2003)
<br />193 T'UEL STATION: A�lacc wher� gasoline, kerosene or any othear �ator �'ue�, lubricating oii ar
<br />� 94 grease far opexating znc�tor vehic�es is affered %r sale to the public and deliveries are tnade
<br />� 95 dx�rectly into motor vehicies. (Ord. 12SFi, 08-04-2003)
<br />196 �UNERAL CHAPEL: A facility where funerai arrangezar�ents are mad� and rnemoarial andlor
<br />197 funeral serv�ee� for thc; dea� are held. This use does not inc�ude er�balzning or pther pre�aaration
<br />I98 ofdea� bodies for fina� e�zspnsitio�z. (Qrd. �2&6, 0$-0�-20D3}
<br />199 GARAGE, �'R�VATE: A detached accessary b�i�ding or partion of the principal building,
<br />200 �ncludi�g a carport, which is �zsed for sforing passenger velaicles, trai�er of the occupazzt, ar
<br />20� trucks oia rated capacity noi in excess of tlaree q�zarter� (314) tan. (Orcl. 1286, 08-04-2003j
<br />ZOZ GARAGE, PUBLIC: Any building whe�e autom�tive vehieles are painted, repaired, reb�ilt or
<br />2Q3 stored for compe�sation. (Ord. 1286, 0$-04-2003}
<br />20� GARAGE SALE: A sale o�usecl house�ald azad personal it�ms co�ducted on residential
<br />205 prem�ses, wheare the property sold consists o£ iteixas owned by t�e occupant af t�e premises at
<br />206 wk�iek� tlae saXe takes p�ace, ax by iriends o�'such occupant and where the sale is conducted �a�
<br />207 such accupant nr friends, a.nd nat by an agent or any other person ta whom a com�►isszon, fee or
<br />208 salary is paid. Iterns far sa�� si�a�l �ot have been purek�ased far resale ar received on cons'rgnment
<br />209 faar t�e pu�pose o#'resale. E�ce�t durin�; the sales day and one day before and after %r setup,
<br />2� 0 items £c�rr sale shal� be stor�d witl�in the garage, screened fron� view wxth apaque fencin�; or
<br />211 screening or s�ored in �he �'esidenee. �To perrnit is r�quxred for a sale wh.iek� �eets tihe criteria af
<br />