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2897 <br />2898 <br />2899 <br />2900 <br />2901 <br />2902 <br />2903 <br />2904 <br />2905 <br />2946 <br />2907 <br />2908 <br />2909 <br />2910 <br />2911 <br />29�2 <br />z��� <br />2914 <br />2915 <br />2916 <br />2917 <br />2918 <br />2919 <br />292Q <br />2921 <br />2922 <br />z�z� <br />z��a <br />2925 <br />2926 <br />2927 <br />2928 <br />2929 <br />2930 <br />2931 <br />2932 <br />2933 <br />2934 <br />2935 <br />2936 <br />2937 <br />2938 <br />2939 <br />2940 <br />2941 <br />� <br />E. <br />special landscapi�g treatanent ,st�eh as te�acing, retaini�g wa1�s ox ground cav�rs. <br />2. Bez�zning used to pravic�e req�ired screening of parking lots and other apen areas shall <br />have a m�irr��rr� slope ra�io of three tn one (3:1). <br />Waodland Presexvatio� Policy and Credit: Cr�ciit �or the rete�tian of existing trees whieh are <br />of accepiable species, saze and lncation rna� l�e given to sa�isfy the miniar�um nu�xabe� <br />requirements �e� forth in this chaptear. <br />Parking �,ot Landscaping: <br />1. AYx�.ount o� Landsca�ing Required: �arking Tots of �fty (50) or rnore spaces are requixed <br />to �ave one hundred fifty (l50) square feet of landscaped islands p�ar twe�ty five {25) <br />parking spaces. �ne oversiazy a�r ev�rgree� tz�ee is requzred �'ax every one k�undred iifty (15Q) <br />sc��are feet o�' interiox Iandscaped area. Ti�e minimum wid�h oi Iandscape islands is six £eet <br />(6') and �he minimum area is a�e hundred fifty (150) square feet. <br />2. Trees Required: One arnaz�aental, overstoz�y ar ever�ar�en tree is requir�d £ar every %fty <br />feet (50') af parkzng �ot frontage. <br />3. �'aran� Yard Setbacks: Front yard setbaeks shall have a screen that is eighty perc�nt {80%) <br />opaque and a height of two and or�e-half f�et (2 1/2'). The screen may be: <br />a. Plant materials; <br />b. Wand, corzcrete, tnasaz�ry ar arriaz�aental iran; or <br />c. A coznbinaiion of these materials. <br />4. �'lan� Size: Plant size requirements %r landscaping az�eas s1�all be as �ollovvs: <br />a. Deciduous trees shall be at least two an.d o�e-half inehes (2 1/2") ir� c�ianaeter as <br />rr�easured �aur feet (9�`) £rom the base at the �ime of planting. <br />b. �rnamental trees sha11 be a minimurn nf two and one-half inches (2 1/2") in diameter <br />as measured four feet (�'j frorn ihs base. <br />c. Evergree� trees m.usi k�ave a mznz�um heigh� a� six feet (6'}. <br />d. Evergreen shrubs u�ed %r screening �urposes shall be a# least three feet (3'} in height <br />at planting. Evergreen shrubs wi�l have a z�ainiz��m spread of twenty fo�zr inehes {2�'"}. <br />e. Pot�ed s�arubs shali be in a�ve (5) ga�lon pot or larger. <br />5. Areas Other °T`han Building and /Or Hardstand: All areas a�' lat�d other than that accu�ied <br />by building and/ar hardstand {parkz�g areas a�d drxve�vays} sl�all be landscaped with sod <br />andlor mulch and/or rock z�aterial in plaz�ting beds where a�prQ�riate. <br />6. Coznp�etion; Bond: Landscape plan and screening plantir�gs shall be eo�n�leied within oz�e <br />year frQm tne date of b�.ilding p�rmit. A bond sha�l be provided ox a�ett�r of cxedat <br />deposited in an amount equal to one and one-�alf { 1 1/2) times the estimated co�t o� <br />landscape planting ar�d constructioz� of any requxxed screening. Such bond or letter o� credit <br />sha�l be forfeited or portions tl�ereo�, to mainfiain and/or replace larzdscaping �aaterial or <br />sereening for a pex�od oi time ta incl�zde at least �wo (2) growing seasons. �ortions nf the <br />bond may be r�leased after ane grawing seasazz as determined �y the city manager or the <br />city rnanager's d�sign�e. (�rd. 1083, 1-�4-1991) <br />-�-0�81011.15: PLANS; REV�EW : <br />A. A�1 szte plans, �rading and utility plans, landscape p�ans, erosion and �ed'zmentation cor�tro� <br />plans, b�iidin� plans and s�rveys shall be prepared fox review by the city sfiaff and shall be <br />praparec� by the appropriate �ara%ssio�aa� �ersonnel as licensed by t�e state and laz�dscape <br />archztects or others as approved by the comrnunity developzx�ent director. {Ord.1342, 1 I W 13- <br />2006) <br />93 <br />