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3�45 � <br />3146 <br />314'� <br />3148 <br />listed in Chapter ��1018: Erosian and Sed�mentatio� Control �rdinazzce. (Ord.1342, I 1- <br />13-2006) <br />�R013.47e NOPTMOTORIZED PATHWAYS 1�EQUIR�D: <br />3149 A. On aiI propearties whic� are on tl�e city's p�'�cial, �oz�notorized pathway sys�e�i established <br />3� SQ by resolutzon af t�e City Co�eil and on all tax exempt p�roperty and B-1 through B-4 ar�d <br />3 l 51 shopping center zoned �roperties, regardless oi wh�tl�er or not th�y are on th� official <br />31 S2 pathway system, wheare fihere is z�ew buildir�g con.struc�ion oz- re�avatioz� where the <br />3153 renovation value �s ��ty pez'cent (SQ%} or mare af the pz�erenovatio� value of the str�teture, <br />3� S4 nanar�atprized pathways s�al1 be cc�nstructe� by the �ra�erty ownex in public right af way, a� <br />3155 a place prescribed by 1he public works c�irector. Except�d frorn this requirernent are nan�ax <br />3 I 56 exerr�pt R-1 and R-2 prop�rties. <br />3157 B. In lieu nf cor�structiozz of a na�z�aoi:orized pathway described herein, the prQp�rty owner znay <br />31 S8 pay to tlae city an arnount ec��al to t�e cosfi of t�Ze nonmotorized pa�hway to saiisfy the <br />3� 5� ol�liga�ians o�'this section. Said payment shali be used t�y t�ie city �o furth�ar maintaiz� and <br />3160 constructior� of the no�amotorized. pa�hway syste�a� wit�in tkze czty. (Ord. 998, 5-12-1986) <br />316� (�8�31013.08: MINOR CHAN�ES TO APl'ROVED PLANS: <br />3162 <br />3163 <br />3164 <br />3165 <br />3�66 <br />3167 <br />3168 <br />31b9 <br />3 � 'i0 <br />3171 <br />3172 <br />3173 <br />3I7� <br />3i75 <br />3176 <br />� <br />I: <br />C <br />Developzx�ent Review Cozz�mit�:ee: �"or any pe�ait requiring development appro�al frorxa �he <br />c�ty, such as a subdivisior�, site pIan review, conditional use per�aait nr sign d�sign, znir�or <br />changes to the lncation, placerneni and �ezgl�t of siructures ar autdoor use areas may be <br />au�orzzed by the deve�op�nent review commzttee, ii stzch change is required by engin�ering <br />or other circumstances not %rese�n at t�e tinne ihe final plan was appr�ved a�d filed with <br />�he director of cormmunity development. <br />Minor C�an�es: Be£'ore approving �-�airaox changes, tl�e developrr�ent review eommittee rnust <br />find t�at s�ze� changes neither cause any aspect of t�e project to fail to cornply r�vith <br />applicable cade requirements nor materialiy change any important represen�atzo�s made to <br />the city and s�rro��ding resider�ts durring the o�riginal a�proval process. <br />Majar C�ange: I�the develaprnent review commifitee finds t�at a proposed ek�ange is �ot a <br />minor ehange, the change shali be considered either an amendment to the origina� plarz or a <br />new app�ication and sha�� req�ire revievv by the Plarzn��g Comrxz�ssion and City Cou�acil as <br />established in the appxopriate sections oft this Code. (Ord. 1�00, $�26-1991; annd. 1995 <br />Code) <br />� z �� � ��0��.09: INTEIt�M �7SE: <br />317$ A. Authorz�ed by City Council: The Ci�y Counci� may autl�orize an interim use of pro�erty. <br />3l 79 Tnteritrm use z�ight not be coi�sistent with th� land uses designated �n t�e adopted Land Use <br />3� 80 Plan. They z��ghi also fa�l to meet all o�' �he zonin� standards es�ablished for the district <br />3181 within which it is located. <br />3182 B. Conditions Fnr Intearim Use: T�e Ciiy Cauncil �ay attac� coz�ditions ta interaarz� use permits. <br />3183 �n reviewi�ag inie�'izn use �aermit applicatians, the City will establisk� a specific da�e or event <br />3� 8� �hat wi�l terminaie �he use an t�� property. The C�t� Council w�l� a1sQ det�z-z�ine tlaat t�e <br />3185 a�proval of the interizn use would not result in adverse eifects on th� public health, safety <br />3I86 and we�£are anci tha� it wi11 not impose additional costs a�a t�ie public i� it is necessary for the <br />� oa <br />