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212 this Section. A property awner znay apply �or a gara�e sale promotion permii in w�ich the <br />213 applicazzt requesis the City Counci� to vary or approve additional conditians beyond �hose stat�d <br />214 in this Code. (Ord. 1287, 08-04-2003) <br />21 S� GROSS SUR�`ACE AREA: See Chapier �1-89s3] O 10. <br />21fi GR�UND FL04R AREA: T�e lat ar�a covered by an occupied portio� of a building measured <br />2� 7 fro�n the exterior faces of exterior walls, bu� excluding open terraces and garages. (Ord. 1286, <br />218 0$-a4-2043} <br />219 HOME OCCUPATI�N: Any occu�atioza or profession engaged in by ��e accupant af a <br />22� residential dwelling unit, wl�zch i� clea�rly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the <br />221 premises and c�oe� not charzge the charac�er of saad prerr�ises. (Oxd. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />222 H4TEL: Any building oar portioza thereof occupied as the ter�porary ab�di�a�; place o�' individuals <br />223 aanci cpntaining three {3) Qr rzap�e gues� �rooms, used, designa�ed, or ir�tended to be used, let oar <br />224 hired out to be occupied, or whieh are oecu�i�d by three (3) or �nore i�dividuals £nr <br />225 com�r�nsation, whether t�e comp�zzsat�nn be pazc� direct�y or izzdzxac�ly. (Ord. I28fi, OS-04-2003) <br />22C JUNK YARD: Ar� area where was�e, d'zscarded ar salvaged materials are bought, sold, <br />227 excharaged, stored, boiled, cleanet�, packed, disa5sembled or I�andl�d including, but not limi��d <br />22$ to, scrap iron and other metals, paper; rags, rubber prod�ets, battles and l�mber. Storage of such <br />22� material in conjunction wi�h a man�faeturi�g process or recyclir�g co��act'rc�n a�d dist:r�bu�ior� <br />230 eenter when within an enclosed area or building shal� �ot he included. (Or�i. �286, Q8-04-2003) <br />23I LAWN AND GARD�N CENTER: A retail establishment wl��re tl�e primarq sal�s are liznzted to <br />232 �awn, gaz�den an� indoor ho�tieultural products azad �arden taols, equzpment and supplies <br />233 reasonably related tn the caxe, constxuction and znaintenance of lawras and gardens. (Qrd. 12$6, <br />234 OS-04-2003) <br />235 LOADING SPACE: A space accessible frorn a street, all�y or way in a buildin� or on a lot for <br />23f t�e use of tr�zcks while loadin� and uz�Zoading z�aerchandise ar z�a�aierials. <br />237 LODGTNG ROOM: A co�nnaerc�al reside�zce or hotel room rented as s�ee�aing and living <br />238 quarters. �� a suite of rooms each ronm which provides slecping accoznmodations shall be <br />239 counted as one lodging room. <br />240 � LDT: A parc�l of land, abut�ing on a public a�' private street, bein� a lot desi�nated in a recorded <br />241 plat or a�az'cel occupied by a prinei�al building on or befare May 21, 1959, or being a parcel of <br />242 record of s�fficie�t size to meet minimum zoning requirennents for use, coverage and az�ea, anc� to <br />243 provide the yards required by this Code. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />244 LOT AREA: �'he area of a Y�orizonta� p�ane wit�zr� t�e lc�t liz�es. <br />245 LOT CORNER: A lo� situa�ed at tl�e ju�ct�on of a�d abu�iing on two (2) pr rnore intersecting <br />246 streets; o� a 1Qt at the point o� deflection in alignment of a szngle street, the interior angle ai <br />24"7 which c�oes nnt exceed one hundred t1�ir�y five degrees (�35°). <br />248 L;OT DEPTH: The mean hariza�tal dista��ce between t�e frant �Qt line arzd tne rear lot line of a <br />249 lot. <br />25Q LOT, �NTEItIOR: A lat Qther than a carner lat. <br />251 LOT LTNE: A properiy baundaz•y lzne af any lot laeld in singie owners�ip, excepi tk�at where any <br />2S2 portian of a la� extends ir�to tk�e abuttiz�g public stxeet or alley, the iot Iine shali be deemed to be <br />253 tl�e street or alley right of way line �djacent to t�e 1ot. (Oa-d. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />254 LOT LINE, FRaNT: That boundary caf a lot w�Zich abuts a street, and in t�e case of a corne� lot, <br />2S5 it sk�ail b� the shortest d'zm��asian on a public �treet. Should the dimension�s be equal, the owner <br />256 s�all deszgnale tk�e front for the record. <br />257 LOT L1NE, REAR: That boundary Q�' a lot whzc� is op�osite the front iot lizze. If t�e �'ear lot iine <br />� <br />