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3362 or vaz�iance shall have been granted a huiiding permit, if needed, and actuaily cornrr�enced <br />3363 cons�r�ctia� or use. The a�plicaz�t si�all record approved co�dational us� pezxnits or variances <br />3364 vv�th �he Ramsey Count� Recarder prior to issuance oia�y building p��i� or within si�ty (60) <br />3365 days after appro�al, wl�ichever is Iess. {Orci. 1176, 1 I-2S-1996), (�xd. 130I, passed 2-9-20Q4, <br />3366 effective 4-1-2004) <br />3367 <br />3368 ��IDi4.04: PRUC�]DURE FOR VACA'I'ill�G STRE�T OR ALLEYa <br />3369 A�y applicaiipn to vacate a street or alley shall be accompanied by payment o�t1�e arnount set <br />3370 � forth in section -�-�-41015.03 of this title and by an abstxactor's certifiec� proper�y certi�'icate <br />3371 showing t�e praperty owners within �hree �undr�d fifty feet {3S0') of the st�eet or alley desired �o <br />33?2 be vaca�ted. TY�e app�ication s�Za�l be �eard by t�Ze planni�g commissifl� procedu�e sefi fnrth in <br />3373 chapter l OS af t�ZZS code, except that the notice shall coniain a description of the locatio� o£ the <br />3374 street or alley to �e �vacated. (Ord. 1176, I1-25-1995j <br />3375 ��8�31414.05: PR4CEDURE FOR SETBAC� PERIVI�T: <br />3376 <br />3377 <br />3378 <br />3379 <br />3380 <br />3381 <br />3382 <br />33$3 <br />3384 <br />3385 <br />3386 <br />338'7 <br />3388 <br />3389 <br />339Q <br />3391 <br />3392 <br />3393 <br />3394 <br />3395 <br />3396 <br />339'� <br />3398 <br />3399 <br />3400 <br />340� <br />3402 <br />3403 <br />3404 <br />3445 <br />A. Purpose: Th� purpose o£ t�e setback pez�xt is to encourage res�den�s 10 upgrade and <br />impra�e their �axaperties, wh�le maintaining �he ov�rall charact�r of the caznrnunzty. <br />B. Frocec�ure For Setbac�C Perz�it: An ow�er nf la�d z�zay file an applicatio� for a setback <br />�ermit as de��ed in subsection B1 pf this section �y paying the £ee set fart� in sectio� <br />�-41015.Q3 0� tkzis tiile and providing a completed application and su�porting dacumer�ts <br />as set forth by the coz�n:�uniiy develapr�ze�t department. The applieation shall t�en be <br />re�erred ta the development review committee as s�t forth in subsec�ion B2 of this section. <br />in the event that the cnmmittee and contiguous p�operty awners una�ir�ously recommer�d <br />approval af sazd setback �erna�i#, ihe setbac�C permit znay be issued by the ca�nn�unity <br />develop�aa�e�t direetpr. In the event the setback �ermit is not issued by the camm�ity <br />development c�irector, or if the applieaz�t daes nat �"rnd t�e ca�ditiozas plac�d o� sueh a <br />perrnit �er subsection 8� Q of ��ai� section acceptabXe, the appiicant rr�ay �raceed as �rovided <br />an sectao� ���-31014.02 of t�is chapter, and the ori�inal fee shaIl be a�plied to �he fee as <br />rec�uired �or a varianee. <br />1. A"�etback percnit" i� a reduction nf the frant, side or rear yard seibac�CS nf �rinci�al a�d <br />accessQry structures in eit��r R-1 oar R-2 distziots, or to t?ne residential driveway re��rietzons <br />in subsectio� 703.04B o�this coc�e. <br />2. The develaprnnent review committe� si�ali be ap�aointed by tk�e city maanager a�d shalI <br />include t�e communi�y developrnent director. For ihe purpase of setback p�anx��t review and <br />z'ecommendatian, the develop�ae�t review cor��nittee shall l�e advisory to the community <br />developznent dzarector. The community deeelopm�ni director (ar designee) may also request <br />revzec� of ap��icai:ions from other eity departrnents or publ�c agencies. (Cur�-ent rne:nabers of <br />the develapme�t �revi�w committee include �he cornrntrnity cieveloprnent direetoz�, cl�i�f code <br />enfoxcement o�'ficer, public works di�rector {ox desig�ee}, c�ty r�aanage� (Qr des�gnee), city <br />planner, parl� and recareat�on director (or designee), police chief (or designee), and fire <br />maxshal.) <br />3. T�e community development directc�r (or designee) sha�X, iz� writing, seek co�ent fron� <br />contiguo�s praperty awners t�efare canside�i�g a request for a setbac�C permit. <br />4. The co�ta��zzaity develop�ne�t director (or designee} shall schedule an adrninistarative <br />hearing be�ore tl�e develapznent review comrnittee, the tirr�e and place fnr whic� s�ial� be set <br />�0& <br />