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340b by the commuility developrnent director (or designee). The applicant and conti��tous <br />3407 �art�perty owners shall be notified by the co�rzmunity develo�z�ent ciirector (or designee} af <br />344$ such tiz�ne and plaee in writing not less than five (5) day,� parior ta s�ch �earzng. The <br />3409 corn�nuni�� develapznent director (or designee) may inform adc�itio�al property owners if a <br />34I0 deterrnination is rnade t�at such additional notification is meri�ed. <br />341 � 5. In addition tn other requiare�aents o�this section, the committee, in recommending <br />3412 approval of a sethack �ermit, shall find t�aat a minirraum of eight (8) o��he inilnwing site . <br />3413 conditioz�s a7re present: <br />34l � a. Qne car gaxage or less is laca�ed on the site. <br />34�15 b. The �roposed �roject i�npro�es �he de�ig� or livabi�i�� of the structure. <br />3416 c. The pra�osed proj�ct improves the terrain or a cirainage zssue. <br />3417 d. The orzgina� zeason or need for the setbac� perrnit was nflt created by the current <br />34l$ <br />3419 <br />3420 <br />3421 <br />3422 <br />3423 <br />3424 <br />3425 <br />34�26 <br />3427 <br />3428 <br />3429 <br />3430 <br />3431 <br />3432 <br />3433 <br />3434 <br />3�35 <br />3436 <br />3437 <br />3438 <br />3439 <br />3440 <br />3441 <br />3442 <br />3443 <br />344� <br />3445 <br />3446 <br />�447 <br />3448 <br />3449 <br />3450 <br />345� <br />owner. <br />e. The exisiing irnprove�x�ents alang with proposed improveme�t retain a�nini�aum o£ <br />seventy percent (70%) of the perviaus suz�face ar�d green space of the lot. <br />f T�e pxaposed prdjec� crea�es no other setbac� ar �az�iance eaz�ditions. <br />g. The propased projeci improves t�e aesthetics, cov�red storage, or the functianal use a� <br />�ie site. <br />h. The �raposed �rojeet uses the same exterior siz�cture rz�aterials a�d calors as the <br />principal str�c#ure and acce�sories. <br />i. The �naI build'z�g �a.ass is ca�z$isfient with that nn cantiguous properties. <br />j. The i��ilding nr drivevvay ez�paz�sion/addition does r�ot place more vehic�es adjacent ta <br />l�ving quar�er �rst fln€�r bedrooms a� adjacent k�prn�awners. <br />k. Tkle drainage and roof gutiers g�ide water away fro� t�e structure and adjacent <br />slructures. <br />L The roof is properiy proportiQned to and integrated wit� t�e roaf af the principal <br />st�cture (dweiling} an the property. <br />6. A seiback permit shall �ot reduce ihe principal structure side yaard requixed setback hy <br />more than sevent� �earcent (7a%) or be closer �han three feet (3') ta a property 1iz�e. <br />7. A�etback pe�nit shall not areduce the principal structur� front ar rear yard required <br />setback by more than twenty perc�nt (20%) or be elaser than �wen�y fdur feet (24') ta a firant <br />or xear prope�t.y Iine. <br />$. A setbac� permit shall not reduce �he accessory structure side ar xeax yard required <br />selback by z�ore than seventy percent {70%) or be claser than t�r�� fe�t {3') to a praperty <br />line. <br />9. A setbac�C permit shall no� reduce the setbac�C of a driveway by �raore t�an seventy percen� <br />(70%} ar atlow a ciriveway to be clos�r than two feet (2') ta a property li�e. As an exeeption, <br />driVeways e�isting przoz� to Octa�er 26, X998, and loca�ed closer than tvvo feet (2') ta a <br />�ra�erty Iine may t�e rep�aced with a setback permit provided all other applicabie �rovisians <br />o� thxs seetian are met. <br />10. Tk�e camzn�ity developrr�ent director may add conditzans io a setback permit in order tQ <br />mitigate th� i:�pact o�the reduced setback nn adjacent prop�rties. T�� deve�apmen� review <br />eomrnittee tnay recoz�a�end such conditio�s to the comrr�uni�y development directar; <br />howevear, az�ly the camrnunity developrnant director l�as the aut�arity ta impose sucl� <br />conditions. <br />11. A contiguous property owner(s}, ar the applicant, �ay appeal the communzty <br />107 <br />