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3452 development director's admir�istrative c�ecision regardin� the grantir�g flf a setback �ernait by <br />3�53 f li�zg a Evrztten app�al wzth t�e ciiy manager wit�in ten (10) days of th� actian graniing the <br />3454 setback pezmit. Tl�e Variance $oard sha�l tak� up the appeal at a regular board meeti�g <br />3455 within thirty (30) days of the appeal. A�etback appeal h�aring shall follow notice <br />3456 require�a�ez�ts a�d other procedures cantained i� Chapter � OS of this code. (Ord. 1301, passed <br />3457 2�9-2004, effecfive 4-�- 2004) <br />3458 12. If the xequiretzients listed in this section ea.�not be achiev�d by the applicant, i�e <br />3459 � var�ance pz�acedure (section �i014.02 of this c�apter) shall apply. AI� encroachments <br />3460 greatex ihara �hose described in this section slaall adhere ta the variance pxocedure and s�all <br />3451 1�ave a demonstrated physical hards�ip as deiined by state statute. <br />3462 13. Properties �ranted se�bac� perrnits t�der this section shall not be allavved further <br />3463 ( encroachments into the reduced setbac�C area as allowed under stzbsection �9�1-�1013.02B af <br />3464 this titile. (Ord. 1223, 6-29-�999} <br />108 <br />