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3465 <br />3466 <br />3467 <br />3468 SECTION: <br />3469 <br />3470 �410�S.Q1: <br />34'� 1 -�9� 1015 .02 : <br />3472 �--8-�4 � 0 � 5.03 : <br />3473 <br />3474 <br />3475 <br />�9-��1015.04: <br />Adjustments and Appeals <br />���015.01: ENFORCEMENT: <br />En�'orcement <br />Separate O�'%nses <br />Fees <br />Soard of Zoning <br />34'76 TY�e zaning code shal� be administerec� and enforced by the cqmmunit� develnprnent director. <br />3477 The community developr�ex�t direc�ar may instit�te, in ihe �azxae o�the city, any a�propriate <br />3478 actions or proceedings agaiz�st a violator as provided by law. (Ord. 275, S-� 2-1959; amd. 1995 <br />3479 Code) <br />3480 <br />3481 <br />3�82 <br />34$3 <br />�8�4� 015.42: SEPAI�ATE OFFE�SES: <br />Each day thai a violatian con�inues to exist shal� constitute a separate affens� �unisk�able under <br />the city eode. (Orct. 275, 5-�2-1959) <br />�-8�410� 5,03: FEES: <br />3484 To defray administrative cost o� pxpcessing applications for rezaz�iz�g, va.rianees, conclitional use <br />3485 pez�rzits, se�back �ermits, vacations of stre�ts or alieys ar building reloca�ion, a£ee shall be paid <br />3�86 by the appl�cant in an arr�ourit set by the Czty Council and ke�t on �le in the city manager's <br />3487 office. Fees shall be payable at t�e time applications are filed wi�h the city manager and are not <br />3488 refizr�dable unles� application i� wzthdrav�m p�ior to referral to ihe pla�ning coz�mission. {Ord. <br />3489 1223, 6-29-I999} <br />3490 ���1�1015.04: BOARD OF ZUN�NG ADJUSTME�TS AND APPEALSo <br />3491 A. <br />34�92 <br />3493 B. <br />3494 <br />3495 <br />3�96 <br />3497 � <br />3498 <br />3499 <br />3500 <br />Exeept as describec� in the subsection l�elow {zpning variances}, the City Cou�cil s�all acf as <br />the Baard a£Adjustment and A�peals. <br />7aning Varianees. Tk�e City Council shall annually norninate �hree members o� tl�� Planning <br />Cam�xaissio� fo ac� as tl�e Board of Zo�.i�g Va.�iances Adjustrrients anc� Appea�s (hereinafter <br />called the "Varza�ce Baard") pursuarit to Minz�esota Sta�utes Chapter 462. Requests for <br />variances shall be �aroeessed by th� Comrnunity Developa�ae�at ��xector ax designee in <br />aecordance witl� the provi�ions af chap�er �-0� 31014 oF this i itle ar other �elevan� section of <br />this code and Minneso�a Statutes 15.99. <br />1. The Co�munity Develo�rnenti Dir�ctor px designee s�all prnvide written notice a� the <br />request, as per Section 1 �8 of this Code to alI prape�ty owners witi�in 3 S 0 feet priorr to a <br />�.[iI'� <br />