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3501 h�aring of the Variance 8oard and shall ptxblish natice af public hearin� in the afficial <br />3502 newspap�r ai least ten (10) days parior fio said hearing. <br />3503 2. A sign, available frorri the Comrnuta.ity Develop�e�t Director or designee, shall be placed <br />3504 by ihe app�icant on a portion nfthe �rop�rty vzsi�le from tk�e pri�za�y road frontage, stating <br />3545 t�at the awner %as a reques� before �he Variar�ce Soard, th.e date of tl�e �earing, and the ciip <br />3506 hall phone nuxraber for fiart�er informa�ion. Such sign shall be placed at least ten (10) day� <br />3507 prinr ta said h�aring. <br />3 S08 3. Additional In%rmation: The city sta£� shali have the au�thority to reques� additional <br />3509 iza�azmation from the ap�licant concerning operational fae�ors or to retain expez� testimony <br />3 S X� with the cansen� and at the expense a� the a�plicant concerning o�eratianal factoars, said <br />35 � l. inforrnation to be deelared necessary to establisl� performance conditions in relation to all <br />3512 perti�ent section� of �his Cnde. <br />3513 4. W�en providing notiee of �he hearing, ihe Director of Coz�a�unity Development ar <br />3514 designee sha�l also z�ax� x��o�nation on how to obtain a copy of the �nal order a£the <br />3Sk5 Variance Board, and a brief state�ent aithe appeai proeedure tn the �etitioner and to a�l <br />3516 property owners within the legal �otice ar�a pxescribed in Sectio� 108. Any person or <br />3517 pe�so�s, any private ar public board, or taxpayer of the city aggrieved by any decxszor� af the <br />3518 Variance Board shall have ihe rig�t to �Ie an appeal to the City Cot�ncil as per Sectio� 108, <br />351g and after that, may seek review af the decisia� wzt� a caurt of record in ihe rnanr�er provided <br />3520 by the Iaws of the State of Minnesota, partic�laarly Minz�zespta Statutes ehapier 462, as such <br />3521 statu�es anr�ay be fram tirrie to time amended, su�plemented or areplaced. (Ord. 1240, 5-8- <br />3522 2000) (Ord 1320, ��-25-2005} <br />3523 <br />3524 <br />3525 <br />3526 <br />3527 <br />3528 <br />3529 <br />3534 <br />3531 <br />3532 <br />3533 <br />3534 <br />3535 <br />353� <br />3537 <br />3538 <br />3539 <br />3S�Q <br />3541 <br />3542 <br />�543 <br />3544 <br />3545 <br />3546 <br />(Qrd <br />C. <br />5. The Varianee Bnard sl�all m��t an a are�;;ula� schedule and hold public hearings to consider <br />all evidence from eity staif and inferested persons, prepare �'indin�s af fac�, and make a <br />deciszan a� the matters they deerr� a�propriate by resaluiion within six�y (60) days of the <br />variance filing da�e. <br />6. Planning GoYn�is�ion Hearing: In the event a rec�uest �or a variance{sj accompanies a <br />request for a�and use Qr subdi�vision permit{s) anci said laz�d use oz� subc�ivision �ermit(s} is <br />required by orrdinance to be �eard by th� Planning Cornrnission, then the vaz�iaa�ce(s} shalI he <br />l�eard by �he i'lar�ning Coz�anaission, in lie� of the Variance Bnarcl, but follo�vi�zg ikze same <br />procedures as required of applicatians �ea�rd be£ore the Variance Board. <br />7. The Varianee Board shall nat reconsider an appl�catian �'or a variance that has been <br />parevious�y denied within the �asfi year if it is substantialIy similar io t�e previous <br />application, as detertninec� by t�Ze Variat�ce Board. The Varianc� Board may request <br />additianal stafi'review and adopt such athear rules of aperations as it shall deem necessary. <br />An.y s�zch z�uies must be approved by the Council. <br />Appeals. An appeal ta the City Co�ncil, acting as the Board of Adjustmeni a�d Appeals, <br />�rom the Variance Board or az� adrrzi�istrative ruling ai the Com�nunity Developz�ae�t <br />Director or l�is/her designee :regardi�g azay znferpretatian of fihe intent of this Title or Title <br />1 I of �his eQde, or any actian appraving ar denying an ap�alication related ia any rnatter <br />addressed i� this Title or Title 11 of this cade may be filed i�: writing by ar�y property owner <br />or their ag��t wit� the city manager wi�hin ten (10) calendar days aft�r the rr�a�Cing of the <br />order pr d�cision b�ing appealed. <br />1. An appeal stays al� proceedings and �he furtherance of t�e actian bei�g appealed unless it <br />is cextiiied to t�e Boaxd o£ Adjustment and Appeais, after the no�ice of appea� is filed, that <br />110 <br />