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3547 <br />3548 <br />3549 <br />3550 <br />3SS� <br />3552 <br />3553 <br />3SS4 <br />3555 <br />3SSb <br />3557 <br />3558 <br />3SS9 <br />356f? <br />3561 <br />by reason ofi fac�s staied in the cert��'xcate a stay would ca�se z:cz�zaai�ent peril ta �i�e and <br />pxo�erty. I� s�cl� case, t�e �roceedings sk�al� nof �e stayed other thaza by a restrain�z�g order <br />that may be granted by a court of record on application, and upon subsequent notice �o t�e <br />ci�y. <br />2. T�e vvzittez� appeal shall state the s�eca£'ic grounc�s upon which t�e appeal is made, and <br />s�ali be accompanied hy a fee estah�ished by resolution oithe city eouncil. A hearing <br />regardi�g t�e matter s�all be �.�ld be�'ore �he Board oi Adjustz�e�t and A.ppeal at its next <br />re�ular meetin� co�sisient v,�i�h �he notzce z'equirerr�ents at�d other �z-ocedures cor�tained in <br />Chaptex 10$ of t,�is Code. <br />D. Setback �'ez�nit A�peais, Not wi�hstanding anything i� �Y�is CQde to tk�e contrary, appeals of <br />setback permiis as per Sectian �10i4.O5B 11 of this Code sl�all b� heard by tlne Variance <br />Baard. <br />(Ord. 1�01, passed, 2-9-Z00�4, effective 4-�-2004) <br />1�1 <br />