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1/10/2012 12:42:13 PM
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8/26/2009 2:57:00 PM
Roseville City Council
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258 is less than ten £ect {IO') iz� lengt�, ar if the lot forms a poini at t�e rear, the rear Iot line for <br />259 setbac� purpose� sk�all be deer�ed to be a line ie� feet {10'} in iength wi�hin t1�e lo�, �arallel tn <br />260 anci at the maximurn distance frorn the front line. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />261 L�T LINE, SIDE: Any boundary of a lo� w�ich is not a fro�� or a rear lot line. <br />262 LOT, THROUGH: A lot wlaicl� has a�air o£ opposite lot lines a�o�g two (2) substaz�tially <br />263 parallel streets and w�ich zs not a corn�r 1ot. On a through lot, both street lines shall be dee�ned <br />264 front lot lines. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003} <br />265 LOT WrDTH: The mean horizon�a� d�stance between the side lot li�es af a lo# measured within <br />266 the lot boua�daz�zes at t�e �required £rant ya�rd setbacic. (Qrd. 275, 5-12-59; aznd. 1995 Code) <br />267 L�W �MPACT PUBLTC OR QUASI��'UBLIC USE: Aciivities which are spanso�ed by a public <br />26$ or qr�asi-pubiic oz�ganizatio� w�ich have rnin.or �mpac� in te�ns of t�a�'fic generatia�, hours o£ <br />269 ope�ation, activ�ties coz�ducted ar izght azzd noise ge�erated on the surroundi�g properties. Lo�v <br />270 impact public or quasi-publ�c uses incl�de activities employing �n �ore then ten (10) ennplayees <br />271 on site for any one acti�ity, req€.�ring zzot more ihar� fiftee� (15} paz�king spaces for any r��e <br />272 activity exclusive of pub�ie asseambly a.rzd �zot involvi�:g retailing, wholesaling or warehousing af <br />273 znaierials ather thaz� nar�nal of�ce s�.p�lies. �'or fhe putposes Qf ihis Title, a�ublie use is any <br />274 area, b�ilding or structure held, �sed or controlled exclusively for publie purposes by any <br />275 department or branch ofi any governrn�n�. A quasi-public us� is ar�y use which is essentially <br />276 public as in its services rendered alt�ough unde� �rivaie can�rol or ownershi�. {Ord. 8'�4, 1-2-81) <br />277 MA�L OR.DER SALES AND L�MZTED �'R�D[�CT�ON: Receiving of z�ail orders from <br />2'78 ca�suzners, pxocessing of such arders including �he manufac�ure, assembly, stora�e and shipping <br />279 of such products from the site direct ta cansumers only. (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003} <br />280 MANUFACTURED HOME: A type of stzla.cture that is transportable i� ane or mare sections, <br />281 which izz tk�e traveling mode, is eight body %et or more in width or 24 body feet or mnre in <br />28� length, or, when erected an site, is 320 or rnore square feet. {The measure is �xclusive of travel <br />283 hitcl��s and other earrying devie�s.) This siructur� zs buil� on a pez�maneni chassis and desig�ed <br />284 to be us�d as a dwellz�g wit� or witl�out a permanent foundation when canneeted �o the required <br />2$5 utiiities, and inciudes the plumbing, h�ating, air condilioning, and el�etricai systezns can#azned <br />28�i t�erein; excepi that the tea€�xi includes any structure which rz�eets al� t�e requireme�ts and with <br />2$7 respec� ta w�ich t�e zx�anu�actuxer voluz�tar�ly files a certi�'icatiQn required by the Seeretary of <br />2$8 HUD (1976) and complies with the standards �stablished under this chapter. (Ord. 1286, OS-04- <br />289 2003) <br />290 MINI-STORAGE (SELF-S'I'ORAG�) FACILITTES: A b�i�c�ing or group Qf b�zlclings �avang #he <br />291 fnllowing charac�eristics: eontrol access an.d secured areas whic� contain varying siz�s of <br />292 indi�idually compartmentalzzed and canirolled access stalls or lockers iQr the dead storage af the <br />293 customer's goods or possessions. Acc�ss io all storage units si�all be oriented into inte�r'�ox <br />294 cnurtqards ful�y e�closed by bui�diz�gs or wat�s, except for i�g�e�s and egaress fl�e�zr�gs. Exier�or <br />295 fi�ash shall be face bx�ck or eq�al. (Ord. 1036, 5-9-88} (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2003) <br />296 MUDERATE IMPACT PUBLIC OR QUASI-PUSLIC US�: Activities which are sponsared by <br />297 a p�blic or quas�-public organizatzon which, dus to its arrea requ�z�e�ents, tara£fic gene�a�ion, <br />298 paarking requareme�ts, k�aurs of operatiaz�, nu�nber o�empIoyees or Iigh� and r�oise ger�erated, <br />299 have a moderate i�npact on sc�rroundir�g properti�s. Moderate impaet public or quasi-public uses <br />300 inelude activities with more than ten (10) eza�playees o� site �or any one activ�ty, requ�ring more <br />3Q1 than �fteer� (IS) parkirzg spaces £ar any o�e activity, exclusive p�tho�e par�Cing spaces required <br />3�2 fo�' public asserrably and no� invo�ving retailing, whalesaling or wareho�sing of rnaterials aik�er <br />303 tl�an normal aifice supplies. F'or the purposes of this Title a public use is a use a� any area, <br />7 <br />
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