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3772 municipalities). <br />3773 HEIGHT OF BUILDTNG: "He�gh� of building" shall be as defined i� t�e Minnesata State <br />3774 Bui�ding Code. It mea�s ihe veartical distance be�ween the highest adjoinz�ag gro�nd Ievel at <br />3775 . 1he buildi�g ar ten fee� (10'} above the lowest ground Ievel, whichever is �owex, and the <br />3776 highest point of a flat roof or average h�zght o�ihe highest gable oia pitched or Yiipped roof. <br />3777 INDUSTRIAL USE: The use of land or bc�ildings for the produciion, rzaanu�acture, <br />3778 ware�ousiz�g, storage, or transfer o� gnods, produets, commodities, or ot�er w�a�esale i��ms. <br />3779 TNTENS�VE VEGETATION CLEARTNG: The complete removal of trees or shz�ubs i� a <br />3780 contiguous patc�, st�xp, row, or block. <br />3781 L�FT: A mechanical devace used to lift a boat from the water. <br />3782 LOT: A parcel of land designated by plat, me�es and bounds, registered �and survey, auditors <br />3783 plot, a� other accep�ed means anci sepa�rated from ofiher parcels or portio�s by said <br />3784 descaription £or the pu�pose o� sale, lease, oz� se�aaration. <br />37$5 LOT WIDTH: The shortest distat�ce between loi lines rneasured at tlae midpnint of the <br />3786 bui�ding line. <br />3787 NONCON�'ORiV�ING USE: A nonconfoz-�ing use is any use or arrangement of land pr <br />3788 siructures iegally e�is�ing prior to the enaci�nent c�f a Code provision prohibiting s�ch use. <br />3789 NONCONFORM�NG USES: An� use of a building or �aremzses w�ich, on the effective date <br />3790 of this Chapter, does not, even tho�gh lawfully es�ablish�d, coxx�ply with all a� the applicable <br />3791 use regulations of the zo�ing district in wl�ich such building or premises i� located (also see <br />3792 de�'inition o£Substandard Use). <br />3793 ORDTNARY H�G� WATER LEVEL: The baundaz�y o£public wa�ers and wetiands, and <br />3794 shall be an elevat�on de�ineating the �ighest �rater level which has been mainta��ed �or a <br />3795 suf%czeni period of tirr�e to Ieave eviden.ce �pp� the lat�dscape, commanly that poznt where <br />3796 the natural �egetat�an changes fro� predomina�ily aquatic ta predominantly terrestria�. �'or <br />3797 watercnurs�s, the ordi�ary high wa�er level is the elevatioz� o� the tap af the bank o� the <br />3798 cl�annel. For reservoirs and flawages, th� ordinary high water �evel is the operating e�evation <br />3799 of the nprmal summer paol. <br />3800 PATI�: An znground suriace of'paving or waod rr�aterials, nat attacl�ed to tl�e �zain <br />3$O1 <br />38Q2 <br />3803 <br />3844 <br />� sos <br />3806 <br />3807 <br />3808 <br />3809 <br />3810 <br />3811 <br />3812 <br />3813 <br />3814 <br />3815 <br />3816 <br />3817 <br />str�c�ure. <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOFMENT {PUD): See chapter 1008 of t�is tiile. <br />PORCH, SCR�ENED: A seasonal habita�ie additio�l to a resideniial st�.tcture, cansidered <br />part of the structure. <br />PUBLTC WATERS: A�ny "waters" as de�ined in Mi:nnesata statutes, section 103G.005, <br />subdivisions 15 and 18. <br />RES�DENTiAL PLANNED UN�T DEVELOPMENT: A use wher� the �ature of re�idency <br />is nontxansient and the majar ar pariznary £acus of the de�ela�rnent is nat service oriented. <br />Far exa�ple, residential apartments, rnanu�actured l�o�rze �arks, timesl�are condozx�inzur�ns, <br />tnwnhouses, coopexatives, and fixll fe� awnership residenees would be considered as <br />residential plann�d uz�it developments. Tn qualify as a residentiai plat�ed unit develo�ment, <br />a developzxaent must cor�ta'rn at least five (5) dwelli��; tu�its or sit�s. <br />SEMIPUBLTC USE: The use of land by a private, noz�prof�t arganzzation to pro�ride a public <br />ser�viee that is ordinarily a�en to so�ne persnns outside the regu�ar constztueney nf t�e <br />arganizatian. <br />SENS�T�V� RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The preservation and rnanagezxa�ent o£ areas <br />�rnsuiiab�e £or developmen� in their natural state due to constraints such as shallow spils over <br />119 <br />