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381 S ground water ar bedrock, highly �rosive nr expansive soils, steep slapes, susceptibility to <br />3819 flooding, ox occurrenee o� flora or fauna in need nf special protection. <br />3820 SETBAGK: The miniznu� harizantal dista�ce between a s�rtzcture, sevaage t�eatm�nt <br />3821 systerr►, or other facility and an ord�nary high water �evel, sewage trea�nent sys#ez�, top o�a <br />3822 bluff, road, highway, �rope�ty line, or atk�ex £acality. <br />3823 SEWER SYSTEM: The cornbina�ion of public and pxzvate pipelines or conduits, p��ai�g <br />3824 stations, and force main, and �� at�ex eanstruction, devices, app�iances, or appurtenar�ces <br />3825 used �Qr conducting sewage or in��sirial waste or other wastes ta a point of ultimate <br />382d disposa� z�n a�ubiic sewage treatrnent facility. <br />3827 SH4RE �N��'ACT ZON�: Land lacated between the ordinary �ig� watex l�vel o�p�blic <br />3828 �ater and a line �aralle� to it afi a setback of %fty percent (50%) of tt�e structuxe setback. <br />3829 SHORELAND: Land located wxthin one thousand fieet {1,000') irorn the ordiz�ary �i�;h water <br />3830 � level oithe lalces classified in seetion �-k?��b��X'�.13 afthis chapier. The iitnits of the <br />3 831 slap�elands may be red�eed whenever th.e waters involved are bo�ded by topogra�hic <br />3832 divides which extez�d Iandward irom the rYvaters for l�sser distances and when a�paroved by <br />3833 the IV�nDNR eomrnissioner. <br />3834 SHORELAN�7 MANAGEMENT DTSTRICT: Land locatec� within three h�ndred feet (300'} <br />3835 from t�e ordi�ary high water leve�; or t�e �"irst tier of ripariaza lots ar the �rs� tier of lats or <br />3836 the first tiex o� lots beyond a p�blic street when the street is adjacent to a publ�c water body, <br />3837 whichever is grea�ear, of certai� public waters as estaUiished by the City Cou�cil as <br />383$ established by this code. <br />3839 SkGNIFICANT HISTOR�C STTE: Any arc�aaeolo�ical site, s�anding structure, or other <br />3840 paro�erty t�at meets tl�e criteria %r eligibility to the National Re�ister o�' Hisioric Places, is <br />3841 listed in ��e State Register af Hisioric Sites, ar is determined to be an unp�atted ceme�ery <br />3842 that �al1s ur�der the provisions of Mix�r�eso�a statutes, sectian 34"1A8. �ti historic site meets <br />3843 these criterza i£ it is pz�e�ently listed nn either re�ister ox if it is detez�ined to mee� the <br />3844 quali�cation.s for listzr�g after review by the Minnesata state archaeologisi px the director of <br />3845 ti�e Miru�esoia Historical Soczety. A�l unplatted cerneteries are autnmatically considered to <br />38�6 be signif�cant historie sit�s. <br />3 847 STEEP SLOPE: Land where agriculturral activity ox deve�opment is eithe� not recor�menc�ed <br />3848 or descx�bed as poorly suited due to slope steepness az�d t�e site's soxl characteristics, as <br />3849 mapped a�d described in available county soil surveys or oth�r tcchnical reports, un�ess <br />3850 ap�ropriate design arzd cons�ruction iechnzques and �am�zng prac�ices ar� used in aecordance <br />3851 watkt the pxovisians of �his chapter. W�ere speci�c in�orn�.afiion is �ot a�ailable, �teep slopes <br />3852 are la�ads havi�g avexage slop�s over twelve percent (12%), as naeasured aver horizontal <br />3853 distances of fifty feet {SQ') ar �nore, �hat ax� not bluffs. <br />3854 STORM WATER P4ND: A�xaanz-nade pond capable of hQldin� water s�asonally ar <br />3855 permanen#ly, the purpose of which is to callect �r�zna�f, z�utrienfis, and sedi�rtent �rior io <br />3856 re�eas�ng wa�er into wetlands and natural water badies. <br />3857 STRUCTURE: Arzy building or appurtenance, i�cl�zding attach�d or deiached decks and <br />3858 �ences. "Strueture" does not include aerial or �a.dez'gro�d uiility lines, s�ch as sewer, <br />3859 electric, telepk�one, t�l�graph, gas Iines, towers, poles, seasaz�al doc�CS, at�d other supporting <br />3860 facilzties s�ch as at grade driveways and patios. <br />3$61 SUBDIVTSION: La.rad that �s dxvided for the p�rpose of sale, rent, or lease, includ�ng <br />3862 planr�ed uni� developments. <br />3863 SUBSTANDARD U�E: �1ny use of s�orelar�ds existiz�g priar to the date nf enactrnent of <br />��a <br />