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386� <br />3865 <br />3566 <br />3567 <br />3865 <br />3869 <br />38'�Q <br />3871 <br />3 S'72 <br />3873 <br />3$74 <br />3875 <br />3876 <br />any city ordina�ce whic� is pez�znittec� wxtha� the applicable zoning district, but does nat <br />meet �he minirnurn lot area and length of waier frontage, structure setbacks, or ofik�er <br />dime�sional standards o� the ordinance. <br />SURFACE WATER. 4RIENTED C4MMERC�AL USE: The us� of land for cnmmercial <br />pu�pnses, wh�re access to a�ad use af s�rface water �eature is an integral part of the nnrmal <br />eonductance afbusiness. Marinas, resorts, and restauz�ants wiih tra.zasiez�t doeking facili�ies <br />are exaznples af such use. <br />T�E OF THE BLUFF: T�e Iower point of a i'ifty �ont (50') segrr�ent with an average slope <br />exceeding eighteen perceni (� S%} located in lalu�'f ia�xapact zane. See illustration �ollowing <br />de�'inition of Top of The Bluff <br />T4P O�` T��E l3LUF�: Tlie higher point of a fifty �nat (50') se�rnent with an average slppe <br />exceeding eigk�teen percent (18%) located in bluff impact �ane. See illus�ration below. <br />0 %et--}� <br />Blu�' fieight <br />25 feet or rr�ore <br />3877 <br />38"1S <br />Zcane <br />� : ir� <br />� <br />luff <br />�'�`ater Le��e: <br />3879 VARIANCE: The same as that term is defined or described iz� Minnesota statutes, ehapter <br />3880 �62 (foz �unicapalities). <br />3881 WATER OR�[ENTED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR FACILITY: A srnall, aboveground <br />3882 builciing or other i�.pra�exrae�t, (e�cept stairways, £ences, docks, and retaining wails), <br />3883 which, because o� the rela�ionship of its use io a s�face water feature, reasonabl� �eecis to <br />3884 �e �ocated claser to pub�ic waters than the norrnal structure setback. Exarnples t�f such <br />3885 structures and facili�ies z�clude boat�puses, gazebQS, screen houses, �ish hou�es, pump <br />3886 hou�es, ar�d de�ached decks. <br />38&7 WETLAND: A lar�d forrn that is transitional betw�en "t�ar�restrial" and "aq�atac systems" as <br />3888 defined in Minnesota sia#utes, section 103G.40S, subdivision 13. <br />3589 WETLAND BOUNDARY: T�e ba��dary lzne between w�a� �s ca�s�dered ta be upland and <br />3$90 rrvetlat�d using the rnethodo�ogy for delineating wetlan.ds as parescxibed i�: Mi�esota statutes, <br />389� section �03G.2242, subdivision 2. (Ord. 1T56, 12-I2-1994; atnd. Ord. 1270, 9-23-2002) <br />3892 � �-A���.017.06: �NF4RCEMENT COMPLIANCEa <br />3893 Ti�e use of ar�y shoreland o�public waters, t�e size and s�a�e a� lats, fihe use, size, t�pe and <br />3894 lacation of structures on �ots; the installation ancl rr�ain.tenance of wafier supply a�nd wast� <br />3895 disposal �acilit�es; the filling, grading, iagoonin�, or dredging of ax�y slioreland area; t�e cutting <br />3896 of shore�and vegetatxan and �he subdi�vision of Io�s shall6e in fia�l compliance with the terz�ns of <br />3897 this cl�apter and othear applzcab�e xegulafions. Construction of buildings, water supply and city <br />3898 utility service systerr�s and erection af signs s�all x�quire a pe�it, unless atherwise expressly <br />121 <br />