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3899 <br />390Q <br />excluded by the requiremenis o�'this chapter. (Or�. l 156, 12-12-199�}} <br />�A��017.07a DIS�LAIMERe <br />3901 T�iis chapter does not irr�ply that areas outside of t�ae ,shorelaz�d, wetland and storm water <br />3902 rnanagement overland district or Iand uses pert�itted within that d'zstrict will be free fram <br />3903 flooding nr flood daz�ages. This chapter daes not create liabiiity on the part af t�e city or its <br />39p4 offcers ar ernpin�ees for any flaod daamage �hat may resuit fr�m reli�ce on this chapter or any <br />3905 ad�n:inistrative decisians made und�r ii. (Ord. 1156, 12-12-1994) <br />3�os � ��o��Pos: iN'�'ERPRETATION: <br />3907 In their interpretation and a�plieatioz�, the provisions nf ��is chapter shall be held ta be minimurn <br />3908 requirements and shail be li�earally construed in favor of �he governing body and sha�l not be <br />3909 deezned a limitation or repea� of a�ay other powers granted by state statutes. (Ord. 1156, 12-12- <br />3910 199�} <br />391 � � �9�61017.09: SEVERABIL�'TY: <br />3912 If aany sectio�, elause, provision nr por�ion of this chaptear is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid <br />3913 l�y a eourt of ca�petez�t jurisdiction, �he rern�inder of this chapter shall not be affected t�ereby. <br />391� {4rd. 1156, 12-12-1994) <br />3g1S ( ���017.1U: ABROGAT�UN.AND GREATER RESTRICTIONS; <br />3916 It zs �ot iz�te�ded �� this chapter �n repeal, abrogate, or izzapair azay existing easemen�s, covenants, <br />3917 or deed restarictxo�s. Howe'ver, wnere ihis cha�ter impose� g:reater restrictiaz�s, the provisions of <br />391 S this c�apter s�aail prevail. (Ord. � I56, 12-12-1994) <br />3919 <br />��zo <br />3921 <br />3922 <br />3923 <br />392� <br />3925 <br />3926 <br />3927 <br />392$ <br />3929 <br />393Q <br />3931 <br />3932 <br />3933 <br />3934� <br />�9�.-f 14� 7.11: ADMINTSTRAT�ON: <br />A. Enfarcement: The com�aa�unity deve�opment director is responsii�Ie for the ov�rall <br />adininis�ration and en�'orcement of ihis e�apier. Any vioIation o� tl�e provisions of this <br />ck�apter, the provi�ions of any permi� issu�d in aceordance wi�h this chaptear or �aalure to <br />comply wi�h any of its requiareme�ts (including violatians of conditions and safeguards <br />es�ablished ir� connection with grarzts o�varzances vr canditionaI �scs) s�all canstitute a <br />misdemeanor and ShaIi b� "punishable" as de£'i�ed by law or as otherwise provided i:n this <br />code. <br />B. Permits R�quiared: <br />1. In addition to any pez�z�aii requiremer�ts o� an underlying district or specific shozelar�d or <br />water�'ront irnprovern�nts, perznzts are requzred for the canstruction of retaining waIls, <br />dxive�ways, parking lats, p�tios, fences, wat�r related accessory s�ruct€zres, watercraft <br />aecessory devices and sig�s wi�hi� t�e b�ilding setbacic area frorn the ordinary �igh wate�' <br />mark. Ap�licaiion for a permit shall be z�ade to the cammunity develo�men� direc�or or t�e <br />direcior's designee on the forms provided. The applzcat�an shaii incl�de the necessary <br />infarmation xnciuding visual displays, soil, slo�e and vegetaiion pxotec�ion plans so �hat city <br />122 <br />