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3935 staff can detez�ai�e t�e siie's suitabz�ity for the intended use. <br />3936 2. All permits wit�in this chapter must specify a termination date, not to exceed twelve {12} <br />3937 zz�ao�t�ZS frazn t�ie date o� issuance. A permii �ay be deternzined ta be null and void by t�e <br />3938 cornrnunzty developznent di�'ector if it is determined after issuance tha� �alse su��ortirtg <br />3939 in�'nrrna�ion was filed with t�Ze perr��t applicatioz�. As part o£ any suc� determination, the <br />394Q directnr may issue a stop work order, post t�� saz�ae an site, send a co�y by ce�tified rr�ait to <br />394 Z the permittee and determine what other enforce�nent action is necessary. <br />3942 C. Certiiicate of Zoning Conapliance: The cammu�xty deve�o�ment director shall i�sue a <br />3943 certifcate of zoning compliance for each activi�y requirzng a pez�z�nit as s�eci£'ied in �his <br />394� ehapt�r. This c�rti�'icate shall speci�'y t�at the use af land conforms to the req�ireme�ts af <br />3945 this ek�apter. (Ord. 115�, 12-12-1994) <br />3946 <br />3947 <br />3948 <br />39�9 <br />3950 <br />3951 <br />3952 <br />3953 <br />3954 <br />3955 <br />3956 <br />3957 <br />3958 <br />3959 <br />39C0 <br />3961 <br />3962 <br />3963 <br />39C4 <br />3965 <br />3966 <br />396'� <br />3968 <br />3969 <br />39'7Q <br />3971 <br />3972 <br />�1Q17.12o WATER N�ANAG�NIE�T Q'�'ERLAY DISTRICTS: <br />A. Creation: The Water Managemez�t 4verlay District �eareby created and xs divided into the <br />fallawing subdistricts as sl�owr� on the Official Zoning Ma� or an attachz�ez�t t�ereto: the <br />Sho�eland Distriet, tl�e Wetland Frateciinn District, and tY�e Storm Water Dist:rict. <br />1. S�oarela�d District: A111a�d meeting the definition oi shorelanr� adjacent to �he public <br />waters list�c3 i� Sectio� ��fl-�-�10� 7.13 of tl�is Chapter.. <br />2. Wet�and �'rotection District: AII upland within one Iiundred feet (100') of �he we�laza� <br />bouz�da�ry of wetlat�ds and t�ose public waters not specif cally Iisted as shorelar�d. <br />3. Storr� Water Dzstrict: All land ext�er withzn ane hu�dred f�et (I00') of �h� nor�nal water <br />level of constructed storm water ponds ox wetlaz�ds zxaanaged far �tpz� water quantity and <br />quality rnanagement puipases, ar all �and below �he 100-year flood elevataon of sue� ponds <br />pr wetlands, whichever is ma�t restric�ive. <br />B. Offic'ral Zoni�� Map: The atnended Official Zoz�ing �VIa�, wzth Water NCanagement Qverlay <br />Districts, is hereby ado�ted by reference and declared io be a part of this Chapter. <br />C. Maiz�tenance o� Reeords: Said Of�'icial Zoning Ma� shall be on file in �e affice of the <br />Cozz�a��ity Dev�Iopment D�xector. The Community Development Direc�or shall rnai�tain <br />the necessary records to maintazn az�d d�sp�ay �he O�'ficial Zoning Map as amended. <br />D. Bc�u�daries: The boundaries of the ove�rlay disiaricts as s�own a�z ihe O�'�'iciai Zoning Nlap <br />axe eonsideared to be appraximate at�d must be established on the ground at ihe time of any <br />application for permit, vaxiance, cond�tioz�ai use, planned �a��t developrnent or subdivisinn of <br />land. <br />E. Allowahle Land Uses: The existing zaning an the site sha�l sp�cify the allawa�ale �a�zd uses <br />but all such uses must additionally comply with any znore resirictive standards and criteria <br />af this C�apier. <br />F. Private Sewer �ysterr�s PrQhibited: Individual on-site sewage trea�ment syste�as are <br />�rohibzted in aI� Water Management Overlay Districts. (Ord. 1156, 12-12-1994) <br />�1017.�3: SHORELA.ND CLASSIF�CATIONS: <br />3973 The foI�owi�� p�blic waiers af the City have been classified eitl�er eonsistent �enrith the criteria <br />3974 found in �innesota Regulations, part 6120.3300, and the Protecied Waiers I�ventnry Nka� �a�' <br />3975 Ramsey Caunty, Minnesota, or eiassiiied by the City when no classification was available frazn. <br />3976 fl�e Mi�xaesota Department o�Natural Resources. The "shoreland ar�a" for the water boc�ies lisied <br />3977 in t�ie table below s�a�l be as defined in this Ck�aptex and sl�own on t�e Officia� Zoning Ma�. <br />3978 �"Wetland pro�ection areas" shall be as defined iz� s�bsection •���-6X0�7.12A2 of this Chapter. <br />123 <br />