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3979 �"Storz�a water protectio� areas" s�all be as d��ned in subsection �61 Q 17.12A3 o�'this Chapter. <br />3980 (�rd. � 15b, 12-12-1994) <br />3981 <br />3982 <br />3983 <br />3984� <br />�horela�d Classif�cation Tab�e <br />Lake Nanae MnDNR Classificaiioa� <br />ID� <br />MnDNR Lake �€�sephine 57�' GD <br />Designated <br />Shor�land: <br />Lal�e Owasso 54P GD <br />Little Lake Jo�azxz�a 58P RD <br />Narth Be�e�t 207P GD <br />City Desig�zate Langton Lake 49P GD <br />Shorelant�: <br />Ziznn�ermax� Lak.e 53W GD <br />Benrzeit Lalce 48W GD <br />Walsh La�e 214W GD <br />Wi�low Lake 2�OW GD <br />Oasis Pond 245W GD <br />GD=Genearal <br />Develo�rnent <br />RD=Recreational <br />Develop�ent <br />(Ord. 1156, �2-12-1994; amd. Urd. 1216, �2-14-1998} <br />�1Q17.14: WAT�R MANAGEM�N'T' aVERLAY DISTR.�C'T` L4T <br />STANDAR.DS: <br />3985 A. <br />3986 <br />398'7 <br />3988 B. <br />3959 <br />3990 <br />3991 <br />3992 <br />3993 <br />Additioz�al Starzdards: The following developm.��t sia�ada�ds are i� addition to a�y standards <br />that apply speez£'ical�y to the �znderiying zoning district. Wl3ere there is conflict hetween the <br />�nderlying and over�ying d'zstrict standards, the �os� restrictive shall apply. <br />Lot Ar�a axacl Width Standards: The lot area (in square �e�t} and Int width. standards (in feet) <br />far sin�le and d�z�lex hausing on residentiallots created a�ter �he date of enacttnent of this <br />Chapter �'ox the �ake elassi�catidns are tne �o�lowi�zg: <br />1. Sho:re�anci 4verlay Distriet Lot Standards: <br />Reereation Development Lakes General Dev�lo rnent La�Ces <br />Underlying Riparian Lots Naz�riparzan Lots Ripariaza Lais Nonriparian Lots <br />Zones <br />Area* Vdidth* Area* Widtl�* Area� Width* Area�` Wiat�* <br />R-1 (Single 15,000 100 1X,�00 $5 15,00� �OQ 11,000 $5 <br />124 <br />