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3Q4 building ar st�'ucture helci, �zsed o� controlled exclusively for public purposes by ar�y departmezat <br />305 or branch of any gover�ment. A quasi-public use is azay use wh�ch is essez�tially �ublic as in its <br />30b services rendered, although �t is under p�i�vate control or ownership. (Ord. 874, 1-12-81) <br />307 MORTUARY: A facilzty where fi�neraI arrangements are made and/or funeral services £o� th� <br />308 dead ar� held and where dead �odies are ez�bal�.�cl or ot�erwise prepared far � t�ispositian. <br />309 (Ord. 8C3, 5-12-80) <br />310 MOTEL: A buildin.� or �roup o� buildings �sed �ri rz�arily �'or the temporary reside�nce of <br />3 I� motarzsts or trave�ers. ((�rd. 128b, Q8�04-20D3) <br />312 MOTOR �'R��GHT TERMINAL {TRUCK TERMINAL}: A building ir� �whic� freight brouglat <br />313 l�y rnotor truck is assembled and sorted for zouting in in�ras�ate and inlerstate �hzpment. (Ord. <br />31� 275, 5-12�59) <br />315 MOT4R VEHTCLE: Any seli �ropelled venicle nat operated exclusiveTy upon railroaci tracks <br />316 and any vehicle �ropelled or drawn by a self-prope�led �ehicl�. <br />317 M4TOR VEHICLE DEALER: Any person lice�sec� by the state and er�ga�ed in the business of <br />318 selling, purck�asing az�d generally dealing in new and used matar vehieles having an established <br />319 place a� b�si�ess �or the sa1e, irade and dispiay of new and used motor vehicXes and having in <br />320 such motox v�hicle deater's possession new and used vehic�es far the pt�rpQSes of sale ar trade. <br />321 (Ord. 854, 9-10-79) (Ord. 1286, OS-04�2003) <br />322 NON--CONFORM�NG PRE-�XIST�NG STRUCTURE or L3SE: Any building or str�c�ure which <br />323 was legally existing on May 21, 1959, which would not conform to the ap�rlicable conditions if <br />324 the building or struciure were io be erected urrder this Gode. Suc� a s�rueiure or use z�nay b� <br />32S cantinu�d but xx�ay z�o� he extez�ded, expanded, zntez�sifi�d, ar changed unless to a canforming <br />326 �se. (Ord. 275, 5-12-59) (4rd. 1286, 08-04-20Q3) <br />32'� NON-CQNFORMING TLLEGAL STRUCTURE, USE, OR LOT: A lot, building, s�ruct�ure, <br />32$ �aremis�s, ar use illegally �st�blished when it was initiated, created, or constructed, wlaic�a did not <br />329 conform with the appIicable conditioiis ox provisions a�'�he City Code for i�he district in whzch <br />330 t1�e structure or use is 1QCated. (Qrd. 1286, OS-0�-2003) <br />331 NON-MOTORIZ�D �'ATHWAYS: On-road and of� raad pat�ways whieh ar� used for <br />332 pedestrian, bicycie and ather nan-motori�ed means af transportation, the specifications of w�ich <br />333 si�al� be estab�ished by t�Ze Public Wor�s Dir�ctox. (Ord. 925, 5-9-83) <br />334 NOXIDUS MATTER: Material which is capable of eausing inj�ary or maiaise ia living <br />335 organisms or is capable of causing detrimental effect u�on �he �ealt� ar �he psychologica�, sacial <br />336 or economic well-being of human beings. {Ord. 275, 5-12-59) <br />337 NURSERY SCH40LS: A pub�ic or p�ivate �aeitity, l�censed by t�e state, t�e �arincipal functzon <br />338 of w�ich is to provide a� educatzonal experience outside o�ih�e family home far-children of <br />339 p�esehool age. (Ord. 128b, OS-04-2003} <br />340 NURSING HOME: A s�ate licensed estal�lislune�at having aecazx�nodatiazzs £or i�e co�tinuous <br />34� ° care of two (2) or znore znvalzd, in�zx�, aged co�tva�esce�t patzenis or disabled persons that are <br />342 not r�latea'. (t?rc�. 128&, 0$-04-2�03) <br />3�3 QFFTCE SHOWROOM: A facility in which u� to 50% oi the total floor area is utilizet� for the <br />344 conduct of a business that inv4lves the display and sale of gnnds or mercha�dise on t�e prernises. <br />34S (Ord. 1286, 08-04-2Q03} <br />346 OFFTC� WAREHOUSE: A�'acility in which up �0 50% a£�he �ofial flaor area zs utilized for the <br />347 canc�uct of a business that invo�ves the siorage a�d distribution of goods or �erehandise frorr� the <br />348 � pre�ises. (Ord. 12$6, 08-0�-2003} <br />349 OVERLAY DISTR�CT: A zpnin distx•ict tlaat enco� asses o�e 1 or znore rizz�ar zoni�� <br />