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3994 <br />3995 <br />3996 <br />3997 <br />3998 <br />3999 <br />4000 <br />4D01 <br />44Q2 <br />4043 <br />4004 <br />Family} <br />R-2 (Duplex) 3S,Q00 1.35 26,D00 i35 2�,000 135 17,500 13S <br />* Area �neans iand above the nortnal ordanary l�igh water le�vel. <br />** A11 ather uses proposed within a shoreland district shatl be in the %rin ni a rezonang to a planned ui�it <br />developrnent as pe�• Section -�-B-�C t O l i.24 <br />2. We�Iar�d Overlay District Lot Standards: The acxai�ixrzum lot area, width and depth <br />requirements of the u�dex�yx�g land use zoning disirict witi�in this code shall apply provided <br />that not znore than twenty �"ive percent {2S%) o�the lot area may be included in any wetland <br />area to meet the �iz�imum lot area ditnension. <br />3. St4rm Water Overlay Distz�ict Lot Standards: The �zininau�n lot area, width and depth <br />z�eq�zxe�nents af the �nderlying land use zoning dis�rict withi� this code shaIl a�p1Y pravided <br />that not rnore than twenty five pearcent (25%) of the lot ar�a may be included in any s�orm <br />pond or wetla�ad area (which is below t�e �o�al level of the adjacenti starz� water pond) to <br />meet the �ninizxauzn lot area c�imer�si€�n. {Ord. l l S6, 12-12-1994) <br />�1017,�5: ADDITTCiNAL LOT DIMENSI�N REt,�IUIREMENTSa <br />4005 A. Dwelling U�it Densities: Residentia� subd'zvisions with dwelling unit densiti�s exceeding <br />400b ( those irz 1:he fiables in subsections �1417. l 4B 1�hrough B3 of this chaptex may only be <br />400'7 allnwed if designed and approved as residentiai p�anned unit de�elop�nents under chapter <br />4008 1008 of this title. Only �and above the ordinar� l�ig� water level of public waters �aaay be <br />4009 �sed to meet Iot area standards. Lot widti� standards shall be met at both the ordinary hzg� <br />4010 watex �evel and at the building line, exeept in a residential pianzaed unit developmer�t. Not <br />4011 more� twenty fve perc�nt (�S%} o£the lot area of each 1ot rnay be inc�uded in a�y <br />40�2 wetland, which is be�ow the narrrrnai ordinary l�igh water level. <br />4013 B. Contra�led Accesses: Lots intended as controiled accesses to p���ic waters or as recreation <br />4014 areas far use by owners of noru'iparian Iats within subdivisions shall be allawed anly as part <br />�0� 5 of a conditional use permit or plar�r�ed ��it develapment and shall rneet or exceed �he <br />4016 %llowing standards: <br />4017 l. They shalt be suitable i� ierms of physical access az�d patential slope erasion and <br />401 S vegetation damage for th� inte�ded uses of controlled acc�ss lots; <br />4019 2. T�ey s�iall have a s�ecific lot size �ot less than one hur�dred sevez�ty �'eet (170'} {two 85- <br />4�020 foot wide lots combinedj; <br />4�2� 3. They shall be joinily owz�ed by all purchasers of lots in the subdzvision ar by alI <br />4022 purc�asers a� nonriparian lois in t�e �ubdivision who are provided ripax'ia� access rights on <br />4023 the access lat; and <br />402� 4. Covenants or at�e�r eq�a�ly effeetive legal instruments shall be developect that specify <br />4025 wl�icl� lo� avmers have aut�aority 10 use the access lot a�d what acti�vities are allowed. T�e <br />4�026 activi�ies may incl�de watexexaft launching, loading, starage, beaching, mooring, or <br />4027 doc�zng. They may a�so include ot�aer oufdoor recreational acti�viiies t�at do not signi�cat�tly <br />4428 conflict with general public use of the publzc water or �he enjoyrnent of norrr�al property <br />4029 rights by adjaeent prQperty owners. Exarnples of t�e nonszg�i�eant conflic� activiiies <br />4030 i�elude swimming, sunbathing, or picnic�C��g. The covenants shal� liz�ifi ��e tatal n�zmber of <br />4031 vehicles allowed to be parked and the tofial nuznber oi waterc�aft allowed to be continuously <br />125 <br />