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4Q32 moored, dacked, or stored over water, ar�d s�ial� require centxalzzatian of ali carnmon <br />4033 facilities ar�d activities in the mos� suilable ioeations on the lot to �raiz�ianize topographic and <br />4034 vegetation alteratians. They s�a�l also require ail �arking areas, storage buildings, and aih�r <br />4035 facilities �o be screened by vege#ation or topogxaphy as muck� as practical fro� view froa�xa <br />�036 the public water, ass�un�ng surnmer, leaf-on conditions. (Ord. � l S6, I2W i2-1994) <br />4037 <br />4038 <br />4039 <br />4040 <br />4041 <br />4�042 <br />4043 <br />4044 <br />4045 <br />40�-5 <br />4047 <br />4048 <br />4049 <br />9 050 <br />4051 <br />4052 <br />4053 <br />���A��1017.1G: STRUCTURE DES�GN STANDARDS: <br />A. Placement of Siructuxes on Lots: When more than one setbac�C applies ta a site, struc�res <br />and £acilities shall be lacated to �eet tk�e most restrictive setbacks. Wh�rce stxuctures exist nn <br />th� adjoining lo�s an ho�h sides of a praposeci building site, structure setbacks may be altered <br />�without a varxance to eonforrn to the av�rage setback of adjoini�g structu�'es from the <br />oxdiz�axy high water Ievel, provided t�e propo�ed building site is not locafied in a shore <br />impaet zar�e ar in a bluff impact zone. St�ctures sk�all be located as fallo�vvs: <br />All other st�ucture �etback requirernenis sh.all be as staled in the und�rlying zoning dist�xct <br />for each parce�. <br />STRUCTURE �ETBACKS FR4M WATER BODY <br />Type of Watar St�ructure Structure Roads, Driveway, Maximuar� <br />Body Setbaek from Setback from Parki�g az�d �t�er S1dg/Structure <br />Water Body Bluf� Irnpervio�rs Surface or Height 4 <br />Setback <br />MnDNR and 75 Ft ' 30 Ft, 30 Ft. 30 Ft. <br />City �ub�ic <br />Waters <br />Wetlatad 50 Ft. ' Nai Ap�a�ieable 30 Ft. 34 �'t. <br />S�orm Pond 10 Ft. ° Nat App�zcable IO Ft. 30 �'t. <br />1. Setback is ineasured frozn the normal ordinary high water level. <br />2. Setback is rneasured fxam the wetland or pond boundary. <br />3. One water- oriented accessory structure designed in accorda�ice with subsection -�8-�6I Q t 7.17C of this chapter <br />anay be set back a minimum dista�ce af 10 feet fro�n the ordinary high waier level. <br />4. S�e subsec#ion -1-A-�-Fi 1017.17G of this chapter. <br />5. A 30 foot setback fror�-i raad or parking surfaces inay include a combinatian o� land within raghts of way and <br />adjacent to the rig�t of way, as welI as curb and gutter controlling runaff and sediment to a siorm pond. Pedes�rian <br />trails shall be exezxzpt f�atn setback requirements. <br />B. Addi�ional S�ructure Standards �or All Disiricts: <br />1. Bl��f I�npac� Zones: Struetures �d accessoxy facilities, except stairways a�d la�dings, <br />s�ail nat be placed within biuff impaet zones. <br />Z. Comrnereial Or rnd�striaT Land Uses: Commercial or industrial land uses �vithoui water <br />ariented uses shall be lacated c�n �ots or �arcels without public waters frorztage, orr, i£ iocated <br />on (o�s ar parcels with pui�lic waters fro�tage, the pxzncipal structure, accessory buildings <br />12b <br />