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4054 and pa��Ciz�g areas, shall eatl�er be se� back one �undred f iity feet { 150') from �he ord'znary <br />40SS high water level or be set bac� one �undred �eet (l OQ') and b� f fty pereent (S�%) screened <br />4056 by opaq�e vegetation froz� vzew frarrz the water by vegetation or topography, assuming <br />4057 surr�z�er, �eaf on co�ditzons. (Ord. 1� S6, 12-12-1994) <br />4058 3. �`ez�ces: In blufi impact, s�ore�and, and wetland zaz�es, fences sk�all be set bac� the same <br />4059 distance froz� the shorelin� as required �or ik�e principal st�r�clure or attached deck on the lot, <br />44b0 except t�at a fence o� a Iai with a preexisting principal structure and attached deek may <br />4061 ex�end fo the sarne set6ac� as the deck or the structux'e. Fence� �halt be of similar design, <br />4062 texture, and color as the �rincipal s�ructure nr shall be af an earth torze ar color and za�aterial. <br />�063 Fences used for sa�ety or contain�merit may be set withzn twe�ty £'ive feet (25'} of the <br />4Q64 OHWL. Suc� £ences s�all be a maxiz�u� of iw�nty £'ive p�rceni {2S%) opaque, and �a <br />4065 m:ore than forty two inch�s (42") i� l�eight. S�ch fe�nces shall be clad in earth iane <br />4a66 coaiings. <br />4067 With t�e exce�atic�n of regulat�ons 3n tlais subsection, %nces in �l�if impact, shoreland, <br />4068 � and wetland zones shall meet a1i heighl: and set�iack ar�quira�ents of section � 1 Q� 3.02 <br />4�69 of this title. F'ences placed on t�e road side o� a lot wit� water or wetlax�.d frp�tage sha1I <br />4070 � comply wi�h frar�t yard £ence r�quir�aia�ents af section �1013.02 a� this tit]e. (Ord. <br />40'�1 1270, R-23-2002) <br />4a�2 ��1017.�.7: GENERAL DESI�N CRITERTA FOR S'�RUCx�RES. <br />4073 A. <br />4d74 <br />40'75 <br />4Q76 <br />4077 <br />4078 <br />4079 <br />4080 � <br />�081 <br />4082 <br />4053 <br />4084 <br />4085 <br />4086 B. <br />40$'7 <br />4088 <br />4089 <br />�090 <br />409� <br />�492 <br />4093 <br />4094 <br />�095 C. <br />4096 <br />4097 � <br />4098 <br />Low Floar Elevation�: All habitable struc�ures ca�structed within the overlay c��strici shail <br />be b�ilt wit�. tk�eix lovvest floo�, includi�g baser�ent, no Iavver than the fallawing elevation <br />criteria, wl�ichevear �ravides the greater degree of protectaon as determined by �he ezty <br />e�gineer: <br />1. Two feet (2'} above the 1 Qa-year flQad elevation, ii kr�own; or <br />2. At least tla�'ee feet (3') above the Y�zghest known water level, a�' three feet (3') abave the <br />arctinary high water level, whichev�r is %ig�er; or <br />3. At least �Iar�� feet (3`) abave the "wetland bounclary" as defined in Sectinn �1017.05 <br />af this C�aptet'. <br />TI�e City Engineer sha11 develop and rnaintain a li�t of eleva�ions af �own 100-year flood <br />levels, ordinaxy high water levels, highest known watear levels and wetland boundary levels <br />as they becarne available throug� special studies ar the Min�esota Depa�tm.ezzt o�Na�urai <br />Resources. <br />Lo�w �'�oar Elevations Exceptions: A variance rnay be garan#ed fram the elevatian <br />requirements speeil�ied irt st�bsectioz� A abov� only w�e�re a hardship is determined and <br />pro�ided the structure is flood-�raofed according fio State and Fedeara� standards £or <br />floadplai� areas. <br />Water-oriented accessory strctetu:res may have the �owest floor �laced lower than the <br />elevatic�� deierr�azned in subsectic�n A if tk�e struc�ure is con��ructed of flood-resi,�tac�t <br />materials io �he elevatioz�, electrical and mechanical equipannent zs �laced abave t�e e�evati4n <br />ar�d, i� long duratia� flooding is anticipated, the siruc#u�'e is built to withstand ice action az�d <br />wi�d-driven �vaves and debrzs. <br />i'ermitted Water-priented �ecessory Structures: Each lot zxa.ay have c�n� water-arier�ted <br />noanhabitable acees�ory structure nat �eeting the narmal s�cture setback in subseetian <br />�ro1017.16A of this Chapter if this wat�ar-oriented accessory structure complies with �he <br />followi�g prnvisians: <br />12"7 <br />