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4099 <br />4100 <br />�XOI <br />4102 <br />41D3 <br />4�04 <br />4105 <br />4106 <br />41�7 <br />4108 <br />4109 <br />4I10 <br />4I11 <br />41I2 <br />4113 <br />4114 <br />4115 <br />4116 <br />4117 <br />4118 <br />4119 <br />4120 <br />4�2X <br />4122 <br />4123 <br />412� <br />4125 <br />4126 <br />4127 <br />4128 <br />4129 <br />T. Watex ariented accessory structure dirnensional requireme�ts: <br />a. Nla�imuna floor area: <br />b. M�imu�n width as viewed from water: <br />e. Maximum hei�ht: <br />2S0 square feet <br />12 feet <br />10 feet <br />d. Setback from ordinary �igh water: * <br />e. Boathause setback from ordinary hi�h wai:er level: 1 Q feet* * <br />f. <br />�• <br />Side yard setbaek frorn prop�rty �ine: <br />Detached decic heigi�� above grac�e: <br />20 £eet <br />$ feet <br />'� 50% of distance between ardinary higi� wa�er znar�C az�d the structure �etbac�C f�orn th� <br />water. <br />** Also pern�itted for doeks, a�d off-season storage of ice fishing hauses and docks. <br />2. The structure ox £acility shall be cons�ructed of �anatearial axchit�c�.urally similar in design, <br />tex��re, and calor to the p�incipat structure on �e lot; �he d�sign shall be revzewed by tl�e <br />City Planner �rior tio i�suance of building pezmits. <br />3. T�e strczctuxe sl�all be screened a mini�um of fifty percent {Sp%j by opaque vegetation ar <br />topograp�y an t�e tk��ree {3) walls seen from t�e lake with ecologieally suzted landsca�ing <br />landward of the n:rdinary high water l��ei irom the lake. <br />4. The roof shall not be used as a dec� a� �sed as a starage area. <br />5. The struature or iaciiity shall not be �.esigned or used. for human habitation and s�all not <br />contair� �tility systerr�s. - <br />D. Stairways, Chazr Lifts, and S�air a�d Deck Landings: "Stairways and ck�air lifi�s s�iall be used <br />for achieving access �p and ctown bluffs and stee� slapes to shore areas. S�aixways and lifts <br />shall meei the fallo�ving design requiren�ents: <br />1. Stairways and c�air lifts shall nat exe�ed faur feet (4') in width on �esidential Iots. Wicier <br />stairways �ay be used foar co�zznercial prop�riies, �ublic open-space rec�eational proper�ies, <br />and planned unit develapinents; <br />2. Stair an� deck landings fnr stairways anci c�ai� lifts on residentiallots shall not exceed <br />forty cight (48} square feet ir� area. Landi�zgs �aa-g�r tk�an �arty eight (48) square feet z�aay be <br />used for co��aercial properties, public aper�-space recreatia�aal propertie�, anc� planned u�it <br />develo�rnen�s; <br />3. Canopies or rc�ofs shall not be permitted on stairways, chair lxfts, or stair or cteck Iandings; <br />4. Stairways, c�air lifts, ar�d stair ar deck landings shall be either caz�structed above the <br />ground on posts or piIa�zgs, px placed into the ground, provided �hey are designed and hui1� in <br />a�anner �hat �nsures control of sai� e�rosion; <br />5. Stairways, chair lifts, and stair or dec� landi�zgs shall be located in the znast visual�y <br />incoz�spzeuous partions of lofs, as viewed froz�a t�e suz�£ace of the pu.bIic wa�er ass�ming <br />sumrner, leai on condatia�s, w�enever prac�tical; and <br />6. Facilities such as raznps, chair Iifts, or mobility paths �'or physically handicapped persons <br />128 <br />