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413(} <br />4131 <br />4132 <br />4133 E. <br />4134 <br />4I35 <br />413b F <br />4137 <br />4138 <br />4139 <br />�l�Q � <br />41�� <br />4142 <br />�I43 <br />414� <br />4145 <br />414b <br />4147 <br />4�4$ <br />4�49 <br />415Q � <br />41SZ <br />4152 <br />4153 � <br />4154 <br />4155 <br />4156 <br />4157 <br />415$ <br />4159 � <br />4160 <br />4161 <br />4162 <br />�163 <br />�F 164 <br />4165 <br />41b6 <br />4Ib7 <br />4T68 <br />4169 <br />4170 <br />�17� <br />4172 <br />4173 <br />4174 <br />G. <br />H. <br />shal� be permitted for ac�ieving access to si�ore areas, p:ro�ided that t�e dixnez�sional and <br />��arfa�aance sta�dards o� subsections 1 through 5 are complied with in addition to the <br />requirements of Minnesata Rules, chapte� 1340. <br />Sigz�ificant �istoric Sites: Na structure inay be placed ozz a signi�'icant historzc site in a <br />�ear �hat a££ects the value� of the site unless ad�c��ate informatio�. ak�out t�e site has be�n <br />remaved and docu�a�.ez�ied in a p�blic repositary. <br />Steep �lnpes, Visibility and Erosian: The Public Works ar�d Comrrcunity Dev�lopment <br />Directors shall evaluate possibI� soil erosipn impacts and development visibiiity fro�n public <br />waters prior to issuance a£ a permit �or constructian of roads, driveways, siruc�u�res, or ot�er <br />irrtprave�nents an steep slopes. Az� ezosion a�d sedimentation control plan shall be prepared <br />as requir�d by Chapier k�� 018: Erasio�. and Sedz�entatzon Control Ordinance. Wl�en <br />necessary, conditions shall be attacl�ed to �he pe�xazt to preserva existing vegeta�ion, <br />screening o� structures, vehicIes, and ather �'acilities as viewed from. the surface af public <br />�ratiers, as�uz�ning s�aanmer, leaf on vegetation. {Ord. 1342, 11-13-200b) <br />Heigi�t 4� Struct�res: All �tructu�res in residentia� distxic�s, e�cept steep�es a�d chimneys <br />fro� c�uz�ches ar�d institutional uses, shal� �ot exceed thirty %et (30') izz I�eight. <br />Placernent and Desig�z a£ Roads, �rivervays, and Parking Areas: <br />1. Fublic and priva�e roads ax�d p�r�CZng areas shall be designed to utilize nat�rral ve�etatio� <br />and �opography to achieve �axiz�a�aixa scree�ing �rozxz view o�public wa�ers. The Public <br />Works Director shall revie�v all roads and paxi�ing ar�as to ensure they are desi�r�ed and <br />consiructed to mini�nize and cont�€�l erosion, cflnsistent with Chapter �-A�'�10iS: Erosion and <br />Sedimentation Control Ordinance. (4ard. 1342, l J-� 3-2QDG) <br />2. Raads, driveways, and paxking areas shall meet s�ructure setbacks out�ined in subseetior� <br />-�9-�1017. � bA a.nd shall �o� be �laeed within blu�'f and shore impact zones, w�ae� at�er <br />reasonable aa�d �'easilale placement alternalives exist. If no alterna�ives exist, they zxaay be <br />placed within these areas, and shall be desig�zed to �inimize adverse impacts. <br />3. Public and p:rivafie watercraft, canoe rack siorage, access ramps, approac� aroads, and <br />access-related parkang areas may be p�aced within shore impact znnes provided the <br />vegetative screening and erosioz� ca�tral conditions o�this s�bsection are met. For �rivate <br />facilifies, the gradin� and filling proviszans a£ Sectian -1�6� 017.25 of this Chap�er shall be <br />�et. (Ord. 1 � 56, 12-12-9�) <br />��10� 7.� 8o DES�GN CRITERIA FOR COM[MERC�AL, INDUSTRTAL, <br />PUBLIC AND SEMI—PUSL�C USES: <br />A. Uses With Water-Oriented Needs: Sur�'aee water-oriented cpmmercial �ses and industria�, <br />pubiic, or semi-public uses wiih sirnilar needs to have access to a�d use o� p�blic wafers <br />:�xaay be located on parceis or lots with frontage nn �ublic waters. Those �ses wit� water- <br />arientec� needs araraust zneet i�nperviaus coverage 3imits, setbaeks, ar�d o�her zaning standards <br />in this Cha�ter. The u��s shall also be designec� to incorporate topographic ar�d vegetativ� <br />screenin.g of p��i�g areas and sfiruct�r�s. <br />B. Uses Witho�t Water-4riented Needs: Uses and surfac� parking withau� water-oriented <br />needs shall be located on lof s ar parcels wzthput public waters frontage, or, if locatec� on Iats <br />or parcels with public waters frontage, �ust be set bac�C double tk�e z�a�'znal ordinary high <br />wate�r level setbaek and si�all be screer�ed by fifty percent (50%) apaque or �o�e screen from <br />�view fra� t�ae watex by ve�etation ar topography, assurning sutnmer, leaf on conditions. <br />(4rd. 1156, 12-12-94) <br />129 <br />