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4I75 ���1017,�.9: N()TIF�CATIONS TO THE D�PARTMENT QF" NATURAL <br />� I76 RES4URCES: <br />4177 A. <br />4178 <br />4179 <br />4180 <br />4183 <br />4182 B. <br />�183 <br />� 18A� <br />4I85 <br />Nntice of P�blic Hearings: Copies of aIl notices af any puhiie l�ea�rir�gs to considear <br />�ariances, ordina�ee amendments, PUDs, oar co�d��ional �tses affecting a MnT]NR <br />designated shoreland district shall he sent to the MnDNR, Dzvxs�an a£ Waters Reginnal <br />Hydralogist az�d past�a�r�Ced at least ten (10) days before the �Zeari�gs. Notices oihearings to <br />consider �roposed su�divisao�s/plats shall include co�ies of the subdivisia�/p�at. <br />Notice of Appraval: A copy of approved amendmen�s and subctivisions/plats, a�d �'xnal <br />decisia�s granting variances, PUDs or co�dit�anal uses in a MnDNR designated s�orelar�d <br />district slaall be sent to the MnDNR, Divisian af Wa�ers Regianal Hydrologist and <br />�ostmarked withzn ten (1 Q) days of final action: (Ord. 1156, 12-12-94} <br />4186 1 �1017.20: VAR�ANCES: <br />41$7 A. Procedure: Varianees in t�iese ovexlay distx�cts may oniy b� grantecl in accordazzce with <br />4188 Miz��.esota Statute�, chapter 462. A variance shall �at circu�nvent ihe general purposes azac� <br />4189 inten� af t�ais C�apter. Na �ariance shall b� granted for a�se that is prohibited within th� <br />4190 zoning distriat in whic� the subject property is located. Co�ditions z�aay be imposed by the <br />419� City Council when granizn� of a variance to ens�re corr�pliance anc� to protect adjacen� <br />4� 92 p�roperties and. the public interest. , <br />9�193 B. Natice of Approval: Whe� a varaance is approved in a MnDNR desiga�ated shoreland district <br />4194 by the City Couneil after the Department of Natural Resources has formally recommended <br />4195 den�al in �he hearing record, t�e nati�catzo� of the a�praved variance required in subseetion <br />4196 � �1417.19B shali also incl�de the Boaxd pf Adjustz�r�ent`s sumrr�ary o�the p�blic <br />4197 record/testiz�ao�zy, ihe findings of fac�s, and conclusions whic� sup�aoY-ted fi1�e i�suance of the <br />4198 variance. (4rc�. � 1.56, X2-12-94) <br />�i�SS'� <br />4200 <br />4201 <br />a�2a2 <br />42Q3 <br />420�€ <br />4205 <br />4206 <br />4207 <br />42D8 <br />4209 <br />4210 <br />42�1 <br />4212 <br />4213 <br />4214 <br />4215 <br />4216 <br />4217 <br />�laI7.21: CQNDITIUNAL USES: <br />Conditia�al uses altawable within shoreland areas s�ali be subjec� �o the review and a�prova� <br />procedures a� this Code. The following additional evaluatzpn criteria and eonciitions apply wzthiza <br />s�oreland areas: <br />A. Evaluation Criteria: A tha�augh evaluation of the vvaterbady a�d the topagraphie, <br />vege�ation, and soil coz�d'ztioz�s ox the site shall be made to e�1s�'e: <br />�. The preven�ion of soil erosion ar other passible pollution of public wat�rs, bot� during <br />and aftex constr�ction; <br />2. Th� visibx�ity af structures and oiher facilities as viewed from public wa�ers xs iimited; <br />3. The types, uses, and numbers of waterCraft �hat the projeet wiil generaie can be �afely <br />aecommadated on the site; <br />4. The im�pact the propos�d use may have on t�e water qualiiy o�the water body is r�ot <br />excessive. <br />B. Condi�ions Attached to Co�ditiQnal Use Permits: The City Co�cil, upon co�sideration of <br />the crzteria listed above and tl�e purposes p£ this Chapter may attach such conditiorzs ta #he <br />iss�aaz�ce o���e conditior�al use permits as it deems necessary. Such conditio�s nnay include, <br />but are nat li�nited to, the �'oIlowing: <br />1. Increased setbacks frorn the ordinary �ig�i wat�r level; <br />2. Li�i�ations on the natural vegetation to be removed or the requirernent that additional <br />130 <br />