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4218 <br />4219 <br />4220 <br />�k22 � <br />4222 <br />4223 <br />4224 <br />4225 <br />4226 <br />4227 <br />4228 <br />4229 <br />4230 <br />423� <br />4232 <br />4233 <br />4234 <br />4235 <br />4236 <br />4237 <br />423$ <br />4239 <br />4240 <br />4241 <br />�za�z <br />4�243 <br />4244 <br />4245 <br />4246 <br />429�7 <br />�248 <br />4249 <br />4250 <br />4251 <br />4252 <br />4253 <br />4254 <br />4255 <br />�256 <br />4257 <br />4258 <br />4259 <br />426Q <br />�26X <br />4262 <br />vege�at�aza be plan�ed, and <br />3. Special pxavisians %r the location, design, and use of structures, watercraft la�anclaing and <br />dacking �area,�, ar�d vehicle parking areas. (Ord. 11 S6, 12-� 2-94) <br />�� 017.22: NONCOPIFORMITIES: <br />Ail legally es#ablzshed nonconformities as of t�ie date of t�is Cnde amenci�neni: �ay continuc, but <br />they s�Zall be m.ataaged according �a �pplicable State statutes and o�ker regulations of ihe City for <br />the suhjects of alterations and addi�ions, repair after damage, discontinuance of use a�d <br />z�ztertsification oi use. <br />The following �tandards apply to np�conforming iots and uses in the shoreland rxianage�ner�t <br />areas: <br />G� <br />� <br />B <br />� <br />C. <br />Construc�inn onNancanfa�in�, Lo�s o�Record: <br />1. Lnts of record in the office on the County Recorder on the date of enactment o�'t�e City <br />shoreland controls (Maz�c� 27, 1g74) that do not meet the require�nents o�this Chaptear z�a�ay <br />be allowed as building sites without variances from Iai size require�nents provided; the use <br />is �ermitted in t�e zonzng distric;�; all sanitary r�quzarezz�ents nf th� City Cade are coniaplied <br />with ins�fiar as prac�ical, a�nc� lhe minimum lot size arad leaag-�h nf water frontage shalI be �ot <br />less than seventy �aercent (70%) of standaxd lot water £rontage requireza�ents; the Iot �as been <br />in separa�e owners�zp ��om abu�in� Iands since th� origznat adnption of the City shorelazad <br />controls (March 27, 137�}. <br />2. A variance fro� setback requirernents shall be c�btazned before an.y use or l�uilding permit <br />is issued for a lot. �za evaluating t�e variar�ce, tl�e Board o£ Acljus�rnent sha�l cans€der, in <br />addition to t�e requiremen�s ai �ection -�-8� 10 � 7.20, publzc util�ties a�ailable �a fihe lot and <br />shall deny the varia�ce i� adequate facilities caz�not be p�ovided.. <br />3. If, i� a group o�two (2} or more cantiguot�s lots under o�e awz�e�'ship since the ori�inal <br />adoption af the City shoreland r:on�rols {March 27, � 974), any individual lot does not meet <br />t�e requirernents of Sectian -�-�����I O 17.17, the lot sh.ail �ot be consic�ereci as a separate paxcel <br />n�' Iand far t�e purposes oi deveiop�xa�nt. T�e Xot s�all be coznbined with the bne or moxe <br />contiguous la�s so they equal one or �ore paz�cels a£ land, eac� �x�eetiz�g the requirements o� <br />Sections -�1017.19� tl�rough �� p� 7. � f of this Chaptex. <br />Additio�s/Expansions to Noncanforz�i�g St�actures: All additions a�r e�pansians io the <br />outszde dimensions of an existi�� �na�eQnforming structe�re must �eet the setback, �eight, <br />and other �equirements nf Sectio�s � X 017.14 throug� �k§ � 0� 7,16. Any deviatiion from <br />these req�ire�ents may only be autharized by a varianee �ursuant to Section •�-0-�-�1Q17.2�. <br />Deck Adcii�ions: Deck additio�s may be allowed, witl�o�t a variance, to a s%�'ucture which <br />does �at zneet the required setback frazn the ordinary high water level, if aIl o�the following <br />criteria and standards are met: <br />1. The structure existed prioar to tk�e date the City's ori�inal sl�ore�and s�ructure setbacks were <br />e�tablished on March 27, 1974. <br />2. A tharough evaluation af the p�raperty and structure reveals no reasanable lacatzon �or a <br />deck �eeting or exceeding the existing a�rdinary high water level setback o� the strueture. <br />3. The new deck encroach�ae�i toward fihe ordinary 1�igh wa�er Ievel does not exceed ffteen <br />percent (� 5%) of the e�isting s�tbae�C o£the str�xct�ire �rom the ordinary higl� water �eve� or <br />does not encrc�ach closer t�an thirty feet (30'), whichever is �nare restrictive; antl tht; deck <br />13� <br />