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4263 shall b� constructed of rnaterials sznailar io the rnaterials of the principal sfiructure, vvood, or <br />4264 earth ta�ae, and the new deck s1�a11 na� b� roofed Qr screened. <br />4265 D. �xisti�g Dec�s: Existing decks, at t�e date of adoptio� of tk�is Chapiex, which meet �he <br />4266 required. s�i:bac�s and �ave k�ad valid buildirtg perrmits, rnay be enclased as part af �he <br />4267 structure. Dec�C exte�sio�s beyand and fram a noneonfnrming, enclosed deck whic� would <br />4268 increase the noncan�'arming setback, shall not be per�nitted. {4rd. 1156, 12-12-94) <br />4�269 � �1017.23e �i7�DIVISI(}N/Pi�ATTTNG PROVISI�NSe <br />4270 A. Land Suitability: Each lot created thraugl� subdivisioza, incluc�.zng plaz�ec� unit develop�nents <br />4271 ( authorized �nci�r Ck�aptex 100$ oithi� Title ar�d Section �1017.24 of i�ais Chapter, shall <br />4272 be suitable for the praposed use as de�ined by the sui�ability analysis. Suitability aa�alysis <br />4273 shall consider susce�tibility to �ooding, existence oiwe�lands, sail and rock �'c�rmations with <br />4274 severe li�nitations for develnpment, sevcre erosian patential, steep topography, avai�abiiity <br />�275 of City sewer and water, neaar-sk�oxe aquatie conditions unsuitable for water-based recz�eativn, <br />4276 important f sh and wildlife �ahitat, �rcesen€ce o£ signi�cant historic sites, or any ather feature <br />42.77 of t�ae natural land likely to be harmful to t�Ze health, sa�ety, a� wel�are of futur� residents of <br />4278 t�e praposed subdivision or of �he comm�nity. <br />4279 B. Consisiency Wit� 4t�er Controls: Subdivisions shall conform to all ofi'�cial coz��rols of this <br />42$0 cnrr�munity. f-L subdivzsio� sha�� rzat �e approved where a laier variance froin on� aar z�avxe <br />4281 standards in of�cial cnntrols would be needed to �se the lats for their intende� purpos�. <br />4282 Each lot shall rneet the �ninirnum lot size and diz�e�sional require�ents of Sectiar�s <br />�283 � �-8�b1017.14 through �-9-�1017. X 6. <br />42$4 C. �n�armation Requirements: Suf�czez�t anfonnatipn shall b� submitted b� ihe appiicant for t�e <br />4285 coz�znunzty to rnake a c�e�ermination of land s�:itability. The i�forzx�ation shalI include a� <br />4286 Ieast t�e fo�lawing: <br />4287 1. Topograp�ic ca�tpurs a� two foQt {2') intervals or Iess f'rom City p�blic works rr�aps or <br />428$ rnore accurat� sar�rces, s�owing lzmi�ing site characteristies; <br />42$9 2. The suriace wa�er feattzres r�quired �n Minnesota Statuies, section 505.02, subdiviszon 1, <br />4290 �o be s�own on plats, obtained frotxz U�iied �tat�s Geolo�;ical Survey quadrangle <br />4291 tapagra�ahic znaps or more accurate sourc�s; <br />4292 3. Adequate soil information to detenni�e stxitabili�y for building and p�hlic utilities for <br />4293 eve�y lat �rom the mosi current existing so�arces o�r from fielc� �nvestzgations such as soil <br />429� borings ox otk�er �ethods; <br />4295 4. Tnfoarznatio� xegaxding adeq�acy of domestic City water supply; extez�t of anticipated <br />429b vegetation and topograp�ic alterat�ons; near-shore aquatic conditians, including depths, <br />�}297 tqpes o�bottorn sedime�zts, az�d aquatic vegeta�ion; and proposed me�hods far controll��g <br />4298 s�orm water �noff and erosion, bo�h duri�g and after cons�ructian activities; <br />4299 S. Location of 100-ye�r fland plain areas and flaadway distr�cts fro�n existing adop�ed maps <br />�3d0 or data; and <br />4301 6. A line or conto�r representing ordinaary hig� water leve�, �he toe and ihe top of bluffs, and <br />4302 the mznarrzum buildir�g s�tback distances fr�m �he top of the blu£�a�nd t�e lalc� or siream. <br />4303 D. Dedicatians: W�e� a,za on-site storm water ponding area is req�ired by a projec� to store <br />4304 surface v�ater ru�aff, ihe City �ay r�quire easements over natural drainage or pondizag areas <br />4305 for fi►ture maintenance Qf siarz�a wate� and signi�'icant wetlands. <br />4306 E. Platting: Ali subdivisinns that cr�ate three (3) or z�ore Iots or parcels that are two and one- <br />4307 half (2 1/2) acres or less in size shall be processed as a plat in acca�'dance witl� City <br />�32 <br />