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430$ Subd�vision Regulations�. {Ord. 1156, 12-12-94) <br />4309 ��10� 7.24: PLA.NNED UNIT D�''�"EIjOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: <br />4310 A. T�yp�s a�' PUDs Perm.issible: �'�anz�ed �.�nit develop�nenis (PUDs) are allowed in shoreland <br />4311 areas far new �rojec�s on undeveloped land, redevelapzar�ez�t of prev�aus�y built sites, or <br />4312 conversions of existing bui�dings and land, provi�ec� t�ey cor�ply wit� the requirements af <br />43I3 this Section. <br />4314 B. Processing of PUDs: Pla�ned �nit develop�ne�nts shaIt be �aracessed as a rezaning, subject to <br />43 � 5 the procedures in Chapter 1008 nf this Title. The tntal proj ect density shall �zot e�ceed th� <br />4316 allawable c�e�zsities calc�lat�d in �he project density evaluation procedures in subsections E <br />4317 azad �'. Approval ca�n4� occur on a�y PUD until the Sta�e environmental revievv process <br />A-31 S (EAWIEIS) w�en. r�quired, is ca��alete. <br />4319 C. Appiicatiar� For A PUD: The applicant for a PUD must submit the application docu�ents <br />4320 Iisted in Chapter 1 Q08 0£ this Title prior to revievv and �nai action b�ing taken on the <br />4321 applicatian request. <br />4322 D. Site Suitahle Area Evaluation: Proposed new or expar�siorzs tn existing p�artz�ed unit <br />4323 developments wi�hin �he overlay district shail be e�valuated �sing the following p�aeadures <br />432� and standards to determine the s�itable area %r t�e constr�ction sit� of the developzane�t. <br />4325 The suitable a�rea shall be determined by exciuding �aro�an t�e �roject develo�me�t area al1 <br />�326 wet�ands, bluffs, or land below the ordinary high water level of public wal:ers. <br />4327 E. Residential �'UD Base Density Evaluation: The sui�able area within each �ier of iats adjacez�t <br />4328 to a MnDNR shoxela�d o� Czty c�assifed lake s�all meet or exceed the suitability analyses <br />4329 herein and the Ciiy's desig� criteria. <br />4330 1. The rnaxirnum floor area coverage of the siie sha�l b� thzrty perce�zt (30°/a) for any <br />433 � residential PUD wi�l�in the overlay district. <br />4332 2. Including both exisiing and propQSed u�its a�ad sites, tl�e inside buzlding axea si7es need <br />4333 noi inciude decks, patios, sioops, s�eps, aceessozy stz�actures, or parc�es and basem�nts, <br />�334 �znless they are habitable s�ace. <br />4335 �`. Co�x�;rr�excial PUD Base Densifiy Evalua�idn: <br />4336 �. T�Ze floar axea percan� coverage of t�e site shalI not exceed ihirty percent (3Q%} for any <br />4337 comtnercial planned unit developrnent wiihin the over�ay district. <br />4338 2. ��cludi�g both existing and proposed units and sites, co�nputation of inside building area <br />4339 sizes �eed not include decks, patiqs, stoops, steps, aec���ory �tructures, ar �orc�es and <br />4340 base�nents, unless t�Zey aare habztable ax vccupiec� space. <br />4341 G. Mainten�ce and Administration Require�ae�ts: Before final apprpval af a planned unit <br />4342 developrnent, adec��ate provisions shall be developed far pareservatian az�d z�aaiz�tenance in <br />4343 perpetuity of open. spaces and �ar the caniin�ted existence and functianing of th� <br />4344 deveiopment. <br />4345 1. Open Spaee Preservaiion: Deed restric�ions, eovenants, permanent easerraents, pub�ic <br />4346 dec�ication and acceptance, or o�her equally effective and �errr�anent rneans shall be pravidec� <br />4347 to e�sure lang-tezxn: presezvation a�d maintenance ai'open space. The instrt�ments shall <br />43�8 include all of th� following pxotections: <br />4349 a. Business and industrial uses (for residential PUDs) prahibited; <br />� �'itle 11 of this Code. <br />133 <br />