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435� b. Vege�a�ion and topograp�ic aItearatzons other tha�a �autine maintenance para�ibited; <br />4�3 S� c. Cansirucfiion o� additional b�ildings or storag� of vel�icles ar�c� nther materials not <br />4352 owrzed by t�e occ��aa�ats ��rok�ibzted; <br />4353 <br />4354 <br />4355 <br />4356 <br />4357 <br />4358 <br />4359 <br />�36Q <br />4361 <br />4362 <br />�363 <br />43�i4 <br />4�365 <br />43 b6 <br />4367 <br />4�b8 <br />4369 <br />43'iQ <br />43'7I <br />4372 <br />4373 <br />4374 <br />4375 <br />4376 <br />4377 <br />4378 <br />�37'9 <br />4380 <br />438� <br />�3$2 <br />4383 <br />4384� <br />�385 <br />438b <br />4387 <br />4388 <br />4389 <br />439� <br />4391 <br />4392 <br />4393 <br />4394 <br />4395 <br />d. Ur�controlled beaching o� watercaraft prohibi�ed. <br />2. Develo�rnen� Or�anization and Fu:nctioning: All residential plannec� unit developrnen�s <br />sI�all have an owners assnciation with t%e follnwing features: <br />a. Membership shali be mandatory for each dwelling unit ar site p�.irchaser and any <br />successive purcl�asers; <br />b. Each member shall pay a pr4 rata share of the association's expenses, and unpaid fees <br />may become liens on units or si��s; � <br />c. Fees shali be adjustable to accoznmodat� changing candxiians; and <br />d. The associatio� s�al� be responsible for insuxance, tax�s, a.nd znaintena�ce of ail <br />co�nmonly own�d property and faciliti�s. <br />3. 4pen Space Requirements: �'�anned u�nit develapments within shorela:�d distxicts sha11 <br />contain open space ameeting all o� fihe �ollowing criiearia: <br />a. At least fifty percent (54%) of the total projec� area shall be preserved as open space. <br />(Dwelling �znits or sites, road rigl�is nf w�y, land covered by road surfaces, parking areas, <br />or structures, except water�oriented accessory structures or facilities, are developed are�s <br />a�d s�all nat be included in the cornputation a�'mini��� ppen space); <br />h. Open space shail include areas with physical charaet�ristics unsuitabl� for <br />development in their natural state, and areas containing signi�cant 1�istoric si�es or <br />wraplatted cez�ete�ies; <br />c. Open space a�x�ay inc�ude outdaor ar�creatianal facilrties for use by o�wners of dwelli�g <br />units or sites, by guests staying in carr�rr�ercial dwelling �nits or sites, and by the �eneral <br />public; <br />d. Open spaee shall nQ� inclt�de eomznereial faciiities or uses, �u� may co�taii� wa�er� <br />oriented accessory structures or facilities; <br />e. Th� appearance of open space areas, including topography, vegeta�:ian, and allowable <br />uses, sl�all be preserved by use oi restrictive deed covenants, pe�'rr�anent easeznents, <br />publie dedicatio� and acceptaz�zce, or ather equaliy e££ective a�ad pez�ara.ane�t zx�eans; and <br />f. The s�ore inapact zone, bas�d on no��aaal st�zeture setbac�CS, si�all be inclucled as open <br />s�ace. For residential PUDs, at least fifty perce�at (54%) o�'�he slaoxe impact zone area of <br />exisiing deve�opnnents a�r at least sevenfiy percez�t ('�0%) af the s�ore izn�act zo�e aarea of <br />new developrxa.ents shall be pareserved in a�nat�ral oar existin� vegetative state. For <br />carnrnercial PUDs, at leas� �"ifty percent (50%} ofth� shore im�act zane shall b� <br />preserved in i�s natura� state. <br />4. Erosion Control and Storm Waler Management: Erosian control and storm water <br />rr�anagerr�er�t plans shall be developed and the PUD s�iall be: <br />a. Designed, and the constrt�ction managed, to mini�nize the Iikclihoad of erosian <br />oecurring either during or after construction. This shall be accampl�shed by meeting the <br />erosion and sedizner�ta.t�az� cantro� requ�renaents as listed in C�aapter �1018: Expsian <br />and Sedi�entatian Coz�tro� Ordi�an.ce; az�d <br />(Ord.1342, 11 � 13-2005} <br />b. Desig�ed and cons�r�cted ta e��ectively z�a.zaage reasarzably expec�ed qua�tities and <br />qualiiies of storm water runoff. Impervious surface coverags wi�hin any lot shall not <br />exceed twenty five percent (2S°/a) of the tier area, exce�t that for commerciai PUDs thir�y <br />134 <br />