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4396 fve percent (3S%) impervious surface cavera�;e rnay be allowed in t�e �rst tier of <br />4397 general dev�lopmen� lakes v�ri�h an ap�rpved storz�a water management pla�z and <br />4398 consisteney with this Cha�atex. <br />4399 5. Centralizatian ar�d Desi�;n oiFacili�zes: Ceniralizatinn and design of faciiities a�d <br />44QQ structures shall be da�ae according to the �allowi�ag sta�c�ards: <br />4401 a. Planned unit developn�ents sk�all be eonnec�ed to publicly awraed water supply and <br />4442 sewe� systez�as; <br />4443 b. Dvvelling units or buildin� sites shall be c�us��xed i�io one or mare gxoups a�nd located <br />4404 on suitable areas o�the site. They shall be designed and lacated to zs�eet or exceed the <br />4405 �a�lawing dzz�aensional standard %r the reler�ant shoreland classifieation: setbac�C frnrn the <br />4�06 ordinary l�igh water Ievel, elevatian above the suarface water �'eatures, az�d anna�i�auzaa <br />4407 �eight. Setbacks £ratxa tk�e ordi�az�y high water leve� shal� be in accordance with <br />4408 � s�bsectzoz� -�•9��I017.14B1 of this Cha�ter for deveiopments with densifiy increases; <br />4409 c. S�ore reereation iacilities, incl�di�g but not lirni�ed to swirnrr�ing areas, c�oe�s, azad <br />4410 watercraft moQring azeas a�c� launching ramps, sk�all be ce�.tralized and located in areas <br />�411 suitable foz t�em. Evaluatio� of'suitai�ility shall include conside�atian of land slape, <br />4412 water depth, �vegetation, soi�s, dep�h to ground water and bedrock, or o�her relevant <br />4413 factors. The number of spaces provided far cor�tinuo�s b�aching, �nooring,. or dac�ing a� <br />441� watercra�'fi shalt not exceed ane for aac� allowable dwelling tr�it ar site in the �rst ti�r <br />4415 (notwithstanding e�zsting znooring sites in an existin� cornraraercially used harbor). <br />4416 Launchzng raz�np facilities, includ�ng a dne�C fnr loading and unlaading; ec�uzp�ent, rnay be <br />4� 17 provided for use by occupants oi dwellir�g uni�s or sites Iocated in o�har tiers; <br />441$ d. Str�ctures, par�ing areas, and atl�er �'acilities shall be tareated to redr�ce visibility as <br />4419 viewed frozza public watexs and adjacent s�orelands by vegetatio�z, topography, increased <br />4420 se�backs, color, or other means acceptable to the City, ass�.uning summer, leaf on <br />4421 conditions. Vegetative azad topographic screenxng s�al� be preserved, i� existir�g, or may <br />4422 b� required to he provided; <br />4423 e. Accessoxy structures and faeilities, except water oriented accessory structures, shall <br />4424 rr�eet the required principal s�ructure setback and znust be cen�ralized, and <br />�425 f Water-ariented accessory structures ar�d facilities may l�e allow�d ifthe� meet or <br />4426 � exceed desig� standards contained in Section �-9-�1417.15 of this Ch�.pter arid are <br />4427 ceniralized. (Oard. 1� 56, 12-12-94) <br />•4428 ����10�7.25: GRAD�N�, F�LLiNG AND LANi3 ALTE�tATION: <br />4429 A. �'e�azt Required: No person, firm or co�oration may ezzgag� in any excavaizon, gra�ing, <br />4430 suriacinp or filling of land in the City witho�t first secc�ring a perznit as set forth in this <br />4431 Section. <br />4432 1. Pez�z�ii froana City Engineer/PuY�lze Works Direcior: A permi# is required from th� City <br />4433 Engineex/Pu�ilic Works Director or dcsignee, for any of �he �'ollowing activities: <br />4434 a. Placement of ar grading of more than �en { 10) cubic yards of ma�erial on stee� slapes <br />�435 adjae�nt to lakes and wetlar�ds or wit�i� t�e sl�are or blu££i�a�aaet za��s. <br />4436 b. Placerr�ent n�or gradi�g of zanore thar� �ifty (SO) cu�ic yards o#� earthen material <br />4437 a�ywhere zn. the City. <br />4438 c. Wh�re �illin� or grading oceurs wit�in ten feet (10`} p£a pz�operty Iine ar when such <br />4439 activity alters the daraznage patterns o�adjace�t pro�er�ies. <br />4440 2. Pez�it frozx� City Council: A�ermiti �rom the Ci�y Council is required for any projeets <br />13S <br />