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4441 <br />4442 <br />4443 <br />4444 <br />4445 <br />4446 <br />44�7 <br />4448 <br />4449 <br />4450 <br />445X <br />4452 <br />4453 <br />445� <br />4455 <br />4456 <br />4�57 <br />445$ <br />4459 <br />4460 <br />4461 <br />�}462 <br />�463 <br />4464 <br />Q�46S <br />4�466 <br />44fi7 <br />4458 <br />44b9 <br />9470 <br />4471 8. <br />4472 <br />4�73 <br />�474 � <br />4�475 <br />4476 C. <br />4477 <br />4478 <br />4479 <br />4480 � <br />448� <br />4482 <br />4483 <br />�484 � <br />4485 D. <br />4486 <br />zneetin� the �ollowing criteria: <br />a. Any fill, graclrng, or c�razn.age of a public wate� a:r a wetland, pra�id�d �h� City Council <br />first determines that the project is eat�er exeampi froam: tke �99� Wet�ands Conservation <br />Act or cer�:ifi�s the replacemen� of any loss of wetland area, values a�d fianctions in <br />accordazace with Minnesota Rules, chapter 8420 as arnencled. Questians relating ta <br />wetland type, lacatio�, area, functions and val�es must be referred to the tech�ical <br />advisary panel establislaed by Minnasota Statutes section 103G.2242 as amended. <br />b. �or any �iling or excavat:ing on develapec� land zoned R-1 or R-2 where �lae site is xess <br />than one acre and t�e �l� ar excavation exceeds five hundred (S00) cubic yards. <br />c. For ar�y �'illing ax excavati�.g on developed land zoned R-I or R-2 where ti�e si�e is ane <br />aere or greater and the proposed fill/excavatian exce�ds �ne t�ousand {1,a00) cu%ic <br />yards. <br />d. �'oz' any �lling or excavating on undevela�ed land zoned R-1 or R-2 where the site is <br />less.than one acre and the proposed fill/excavatiazz exceeds twn thousand (2,00�) cubrc <br />yaz�ds. <br />e. �'or any fzl�ing or excava�ing on undevelo�ed land zoned R-1 or R-2 w�ere the site is <br />great�r tha� one acre and t�ie proposed f li/excavatian exceeds fnur thousand (4,000} <br />cubic yards. <br />f. Tor any filling or excavating on dcveloped cazzzzxiercia�/inciustxial property where the <br />site is less than two a�d a;�e-hal�(2 �12} acres and the proposed �'ill/excavation exceeds <br />two thausanc� five hundred (2,50Q} cubzc yards. <br />g. For any filling or e�cava�in� on develaped coz�r�z�:erciaUindustrza� property where t%e <br />site zs greater than twa and one-hal�' {2 1/2} acres and the prapas�d fill/exca�ation <br />�xceeds five thousand (5,000) cubic yards. <br />h. For any �iling ar excavating o� undevelo�ed commercial/industrial �roperty wh�re t�e <br />si�e is less ihan two and one-half {2 1/2) acres and the proposed �l�/exca�atio�z exceeds <br />�ve t�ousanci (5,000} cubic yards. <br />i. For any �lling aar e�cavating on unde�eloped corr�mercial/industrial property where t�e <br />site is greater than two and one-hal£ (2 �/2) acres and the proposed �ll/excavatian <br />exceeds �en ihnusand (10,000) cuhic yards. <br />Appl�cations For Permits, Additional Informa�ion: All applicatians for perr�its £'ar grading <br />and iriling activities or land disturl�a�ces w��hi;� the overlay district res�lting in �ore than <br />10,000 square feet of exposed soil shall be acco�paz�.ied by �alans, s�eci�ications, and <br />comple�ion sehedul�s in confarmance with Chapter -�-9�1 O18: Erosion and Sedimentation <br />Control4rdinance. {Ord. 1342, 11-13-2006) <br />Building Pez�z�aits, Special �rQVisions: All building permits involving any excavatzaz�, fil� pr <br />gradi�g shall contain special p�ovisians that specify; <br />1. T�at the pernaittee �s responsible for the eleanup and any damages resultin.g fraam soil <br />eroded from t�e building s�te a�to public streets, inta tize storm sewer sys�em and anto any <br />adjoining �rivate property as requ�red iz� Chap�er �I01 S: Erosion and �edimer�tation <br />Cor�trQl Ordinance; and <br />(Q�d. 1342, 11-13-2006) <br />2. T�at the perznittee shall instali and maintain erosion control as required i� Chaptex <br />��1018: Erosion and Sedimentatian Control Ordi�ance. (Ort�. �3�2, � 1-13-2406) <br />�hareland Altexations: Alterations of vegetation and topograp�y sl�a�l be aregulated to <br />prevent erosion into �ublic waters, fix nutrients, preserve shorelar�d aesthetics, pareserve <br />136 <br />