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4487 <br />4488 <br />4489 <br />449Q <br />449� <br />4492 <br />4493 <br />4494 <br />4495 <br />4496 <br />4497 <br />4498 <br />44�9 <br />4500 <br />�SQX <br />4502 <br />450� <br />4504 <br />4505 <br />�5�6 <br />4507 <br />4508 <br />4509 <br />4�S 10 <br />4511 <br />4512 <br />4513 <br />45�4 <br />4515 <br />4516 <br />Q <br />�istaric values, prevent bank slumpin�, arzd pratect fish and wildlife habita�. Fill and gradi�g <br />activities vaithi� s�aareIand shal l eam�ly v�rith subs�ctio�as �-A-��g 10 � 7.25A2a �hrough A2i and <br />�1017.258. �rasio� control measures shall comply wzth Cha�ter •�-9-�-'��018: Erosion arid <br />Sedimer�tation Contarol4rdinar�c�. {Ord. 13�2, 11-13-200b) <br />Vege�a�ion Alterations in Shoreland .Areas: <br />l. ExemptiQn: Vegetatian alteration necessary far the caz�structio� af s�r�xctures and roads <br />and �ark'rng areas regu�ated by Sections � 1017.14 �hrough �f 10 � 7.16 0£ this Cnapier <br />are exernpt from the vegetation alte�ratior� standard� that �ollow. <br />2. Vegetation Altera�ion Standards: Rez�aova� ar alteration o£ vegefiation is allowed s�hject to <br />the fallawing standards: <br />a. Tntensive vegetatipn clearing wit�iin t�e shore and bluff iznpact zones and on steep <br />slo�es is not allowed. Xz�tensive vege�ation clearing autside of ihe iz�pact zones is <br />allowable as a canditioz�al use z� an erasion contrnl and sedimentation plan is developed <br />per the requiremez�ts of Chapter �9�•�=�10I8: Erosion. a�d Sedime:�tatia� Control <br />Ordinance. (4rd.l 342, 1 X-� 3-2006) <br />b. Ir� sl�ore and bl�ff impact zazzss and o� st�ep 5lopes, litr�ited clearin� of tarees and <br />shrubs and cu�ting, pnrning, anci trizxaznzng of trees may bc allowed to �ravide a view to <br />the wate�r iroxn the princi�al dvvelling site az�d tp accammodate the placemen� of law�a.s <br />and new vegetatip�, stairways and landings, pic�ic areas, access paths, beach and <br />watercraft access araas, and permit�ed water-oriented accessory struct��es ar facilities, <br />provided that the scr���i�g a�si�ctures, vehicles, or o�her faciliti�s as viewed from the <br />watex, assu�ning sttmrner, leaf-on conditions, is not substantial�y �'educed; and <br />c. The above provisions at'e not applicabie to ihe rernoval of trees, liz�bs, ox branches that <br />are dead, diseasec�, or pose sa�ety hazards. <br />3. Connec�ions to Public Waters: �xeavat�ons where the in��nded pu�pose is connecizan to a <br />public watex, such as boat slips, canaIs, �agoons, az�d �a�bors, shall be controlled by <br />s�bsectia�.s A thrau�h D of this seciion. Permission far e�cavatians z�ay be given only afier <br />the commissioner �as approved the pro�osed cnrinection to publie waters and other r�eer�ed <br />approvals Y�ave beeri obtained. (4rd. 1156, 12-12-199�} <br />4s 17 ��A�H1017.26: ST4RM WATEI� MANAGEMEN°T: <br />451$ The follawing general a�d specific standards shall apply to all developznents within the ciiy: <br />�519 A. General Standards: <br />4520 l. Existing Nat�.rral Drai�ageways: When possible, existing natural drainage�c�vays, a�cl <br />452� vegetated soil s�rfaces shall be used ta canvey, store, filter, and retain storrn wa�er z�t.ino£� <br />�522 6�fore d'zscl�arge to public waters. <br />4523 2. Miniinuz�a D�siu�bance: Development shall be planned and conducted in a znan�ez that <br />4524 will mznimize the exient of dis�urbed areas, �unpff velocities, �rosion potential, and ared�ce <br />4525 and delay n�noif vaiumes. Disturbed araas ,�k�a�l be stabilized and protected as snon as <br />4526 �os�ible axa.d faczl�tzes or zn�thods used �a retain sediz�aant an the szte. <br />4S2'� 3. Construcied Facilities: Whera d��v�lop�nen� density, topagraphic feaivares, a�nd soil and <br />4528 vegetation conditions are noi su��icien� to adeq�ately handle stnrm r�ater runoff usi�g <br />4529 natuxal features and vegetatian, various types of cons�ructed facilities suc�i as diversions, <br />4534 settling basins, skimrning devices, dikes, waterways, and ponds may be used. Prefer�nce <br />4531 s�aIi �e givez� to desi�ns �sing �uriace drainage, vegetatia��, and infiltration rather t�an <br />137 <br />