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4532 <br />4533 <br />4534 <br />�535 <br />4536 <br />4537 <br />4538 <br />4539 <br />4540 <br />�5�1 <br />4542 <br />4543 <br />4544 <br />4545 <br />4546 <br />�5�7 <br />4548 <br />4549 <br />4554 <br />4551 <br />4552 <br />4553 <br />4SS4 <br />4555 <br />4556 <br />4557 <br />4558 <br />4559 <br />4560 <br />4561 <br />45d2 <br />4563 <br />buried pipes and mar�made �naterials and �acilities. <br />B. Specific Standards: <br />1. Impervious Surface Cavera�e: Izaa�erviou� sur�ace coverage o� a site shall not exceed <br />t�veniy £'zve perce�t {25%) of the site area in a shoreiand ar we�land overlay district uz��ess <br />storm water is conveyed to an a�proved, oz�-si�e or regianaZ starm water poizding/retention <br />facility designed to aceoamznodate t�e increas�d runoff prior to discharge from the si�e into <br />public wate�s or wetla�ds. <br />2. Review by City Engineer: All pro�osed storir� �vater faca�ities sha11 be �eviewed by the <br />ci�y engineer and c�rti�ed £or cornpliaz�ce wit� the city's ��r�ace water management �Ian, <br />National Urban Runa�f �'rogra�xz (NURP) sfiandards, the Minnesota Pollu�io�a Control <br />Age�cy's (MPCAj Ur�an Best Management �'ractices, azad ac�y establzshed staz�t�ards of the <br />water management organization ha�in� jurisdiction in the paroject area. <br />3. Comrnercial, Industriai, azzd Residentzal Develop�a�e�t Af�ectatio�: AIl comznercial and <br />industrial developments a�d redevela��n�nts a�'fecting more t�an �ive (5) acres oi land and <br />alI reszdez�iial deve�o�ments a££ecting mare t�an five {S) acres of land shali: <br />a. Be servec� by storrn �water ponding faciIzties, orz- or �f�=site, desig�ed to xemove a <br />miniFn�m of ninety percent (.90%) a�totai suspended solids resuiting frnm the runaff <br />frozn a one inch (�") rainfa�� e�ent, and <br />b. Within tlne development, provide for seitling charnbers, sumps, dz�y ponc�s or other <br />devices ta provide for ihe filtering or settling a£ £"ine sand� prior to discharge in�o the <br />city's sta�n watear system. <br />4. �rivate Stoz-rz� Water �'acilities: All �rivate storm watear £acilities shall be maintained in <br />proper conditian consi�tent with the performance star�dards far whick� �hey wez'e originally <br />designed. Ali settled naaterial,s frn� ponds, surnps, grit chatr�bers, and other devices, <br />znclud��g settled solzds, sha11 be removed and properly dispdsed of on a�ve (5) year <br />interval. One �o five (5) year waiver� from this requirement may be granted by the crty <br />engineer whez� the owner presen�s evidence that �e facility has additio�a� capacity to <br />remove settled solids in accordance wit� the original design ca�ac�ty. <br />S. Inventory of Private S�orr�a Water Facili�ies: Upor� adnpiion a� this chapter, the city <br />engzz�eer shai� inventory and inaintain a daia basis �or all �riva�e storrn water facilities <br />requiring maintenanee �o assure campliance r�vith this section. (Ord. 1239, 4-24-2000) <br />�8�1Q17.27: AMENDMENT: <br />4564 'I'his chapter rrzay be a�nnended whenever the public necessity and tl�e general wel�are r�quzre <br />4S6S such amendment by %liowing the pracedure speeified in this section. <br />4566 A. Request For Amendme�t: Requcsts for amend�ae�t af this chapter slaall be initiated by a <br />4567 petition o� the o�er or owr�ers o� the actual property, a r�corru�nendation o£ the pla�azzxng <br />4568 cpr��mission or by action af the City Council. <br />4569 B. Ap��icatio�: An a�plicatian for an a�endment s�aal� be filec� wzth the zoning administrator. <br />�570 Al1 applicativns for c�anges iza tk�e boundaries a£the zoning district which are initiated by <br />457� the petitian af the o�vner or owners of #he property, �he zoning of which is propased io be <br />4572 � e�anged, shall be accamp]ish�d by a rr�ap or plat showing the lands proposec� to be claanged <br />4573 and ail lands within five hundred feet (500') of the baunda�ries of t�.e pro��rty pro�ased �o be <br />4574 rezoned; together with a certi�'icate af abstraet s�owing t�e naznes �f r�gis�ered proper�y <br />4575 owners within t�ree �aundred �fty £eet (3S0'). <br />�576 C. Notice: Notice shall be sen� �y letter, r�hen an amendnnent application l�as bee� £'iled far <br />138 <br />