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4577 change in dist:riet boundary, ta all propertty owners withir� iwo hundred f�et (200') as fa the <br />4578 tirne and place of the public hearing. <br />4579 D. PubXic Hearing: i.Jpon receipt in �ara�er fo:r� of the applzcatian and o�her requested mat�rial, <br />4580 the planning co�tnissio� s�all conduct a public hearing in fihe manner prescribed in t�e <br />4581 � zoning code as descr�bed in sectian �10I6.03 of t�is title. <br />4582 E. Fee: to defray the adrr�inis�rativ� cos�s of processing of requests %r an ame�dmenfi ta this <br />4583 chapter, a fee o£ane huzzdted dollars ($100.00) sha11 be paid by �et0itio�er. (Ord. 722, 3-18- <br />�584 1974) <br />[.�i� <br />