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4SSS <br />� :: <br />L�YII <br />4558 SECTION: <br />4589 ��1018.01: <br />4590 -1-0-��1018.02: <br />45�� k9��0�8.43: <br />4592 -�-9��1015.04: <br />4593 <br />4594 <br />4595 <br />459b <br />�s��r <br />E�osion and Sed�ment Control Plan <br />��a�$.os: <br />��10�8.06: <br />Maintenance of Plan <br />,�io�s.a�r: <br />4598 I �9-l�'��1018.48: <br />4599 -1-9-�-��015.09: <br />4600 Cont�ol Permit En�orceme�t <br />4501 � �14�8.Q1: PUR�OS�: <br />Purpose <br />Scop� <br />�]ef nii�ons <br />Storm Watear Manua�: <br />Review of P�an <br />Implerneniation and <br />Modifica�ion o�Plan <br />Escrow Requz�remen� <br />Erosion and Sedimenis <br />4b02 The purpose oithis article is �o co�trol o� el'zax�i�ate soil erosion and sedimenta�ion resulting fra�xa. <br />4603 coz�structian activity wit�in the City. This articl� establishes standards and speci�ca�ipns for <br />4604 conservation pract�ces and �lanning actxvxties that rninimiz� soil erosion and sedimentaiion. �� <br />�46Q5 � ti�is S�ction {�1018) imposes a requirezz�eni d�£ferent from other sections af the city cnde, �e <br />�606 more restrictive section shal� a�ply. <br />��07 � �1418002: SC4PE: <br />4608 Except as exempted by the de�nat�an o�'t�e term "land di�turbance activity" in Section <br />4609 ���-��1018.03, any person, state agency, o� po�itical subciivision fihereof proposing land <br />�6l 0 disturbance activity withir� �he City shal� apply ta t�e C�ty �ar t1�e approval oithe erosio� and <br />46I 1 sedi�zent control plar�. No land sha11 be disturbed uni:il the plaza is apprpved by the City and <br />4�12 confor�s ta t�e standards set forth in this article. <br />4613 <br />�E61 �4 <br />4615 <br />�101.S.O3: DEF�NITZ4NS: <br />The follawing wnrds, ierms and pI�rases, whezz use� in thzs article, sl�all have the meanings <br />ascr�bed to them in this section, except r�here the co�t�xt clearly inc�icate� a different mear�ing: <br />4616 CERT��'�CATE C?k` COMPLETION means �nal ir�spection of the site has been cc�mpleied, <br />4617 �emporary erosioz� co�t�al has beer� re�oved and �he site has beer� fixlly restorec�. <br />4�i18 CITY OF ROSEVTLLE EROSI4N C4NTROL SPECIFICAT�ONS mean practices described in, <br />140 <br />