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4519 <br />�-620 <br />4621 <br />4622 <br />�623 <br />4b24 <br />46Z5 <br />462b <br />4627 <br />4628 <br />4629 <br />4630 <br />4631 <br />4632 <br />4b33 <br />4634 <br />4635 <br />�636 <br />453'7 <br />4638 <br />4639 <br />4640 <br />4641 <br />4b42 <br />4643 <br />4644 <br />4645 <br />4646 <br />4647 <br />4648 <br />4649 <br />4650 <br />4651 <br />4652 <br />4653 <br />4654 <br />4655 <br />4656 <br />4657 <br />4658 <br />4659 <br />4660 <br />4661 <br />4662 <br />4f 63 <br />but nat Iirnited to, #�e £ollowing mar�uals: <br />�Minnesota Sto�^rnwater Manual <br />•Minnesota Pa2lutian ContYOl Agency's "P�oteciing Wate� Quality in Urban Areas" <br />handbook <br />•Rafnsey County Erosian and Sedinaent Cant�ol Handbook <br />EROSION �eans any pracess fihat wears away the suriace of tk�e land by the action of watear, <br />wind, ice, or gra�ity. Erosion. ean �e acceleraied by the activities of man at�d nature. <br />EROSI4N ANl3 SEDIMENT CONTROL �'LAN m�ans a docurnent contazning the requirerr�ents <br />of Section -�� J. 0� 8.04 iha�, when implem.enteci, will prevern or mini�ize soil erosian on a <br />parcel nf land and o£f site sediment darnages. <br />ER�SION AND SED�MENT CC)NTROL PRACTICE S�'EC��'ZCATI�NS an€i EROSI4N <br />AND SEDIMENT C4NTROL �'RACTICES mean the rnanagenne�at procedures, teehniqu�s, and <br />methods ta control �oil erosiot� aand sed�tnenta.tion as of�cially adopted by tk�e distrie�. <br />LAND D�STURBANCE ACTIVITY �eans land c�ange greatear �han �0,000 sq�are feet t%at <br />may result in soil erosion fro�a wate�' or wind and ihe movement of seciime�ts into or upon <br />waters ar lands af the eity, incl�ding clea�ring, grading, excavating, transportzng and f lling of <br />land. Zand distturbance activity does no� am.ea� t�e £ollowing: <br />�:1. Minor la.z�d. disturbance ac�ivities suc�t as har�xze gardens and an individual's k�ome <br />�andscaping, repairs, az�d �xtaintenance work. <br />�2. Construction, installation, and maintenance of electric, ielephozae, and cable television <br />utility la�es or individual service co�nectior�s to tl�ese uiilities, excep�t w��re a�inimum of <br />10,000 sq�are £eet qf land disturbanee can be anticipated. <br />�3. TiIling, plantin�, ar harvestirtg or agriculiural, ho�iicultural, or silvzc�ltural crops. <br />�4. �ns�allatian of fence, si�n, telephar�e, a�d electric poles and other ki��ds af posts or <br />po�es. <br />�-:5. Emerge�cy wark tQ pratect life, Iitr�b, or prope�ty and emergency re�airs. However, if <br />the �and disturbing aetivzty would have requireci an appraved erosion and sedirnent contro� pl� <br />exce�t for the emergency, ihe land area disturbed sha11 be shaped and stabi�ized in aecordance <br />wit�Z t�e �equirerrzent af the Iacal p�a.zz-approving authority or the city when applzcable. <br />PERMTTTEE �eans a persnn, state a�ency, pr political subdivisior� thereof �ngaged i� a land <br />dis�urbance aetivity. <br />SEDTMENT �eans salid znineral oar oxgaz�ic material �hat, in suspension, zs bei;�g transported or <br />has been rnoved from its ori�inal site by air, water, gravity, ar iee, arZd has bee� de�osited a� <br />anotl�er location. <br />SEDIMENTATTON �ea�s tl�e process or action of depositing sed'zment �hat is deterr�ained ta <br />have b�en caused by erosion. <br />��--'��OlSm04a S'I`OIt�Vi WA'�'ER MANITAL: EROS�ON AND SEDIMENT <br />CONTROL PLAN: <br />A. Requzred. E�exy Permittee for a buildiz�g perzni�, a subdivisinn approval, oar a permit to allow <br />iand dist�rbing activitie� must sub�it an erosio� and sediment control p1an �o the City <br />Engineer. No building permi�, subd�vision ap�roval, or permit to allow land dist�rbing <br />activities s�a�l be issued and no earth d'astuxbing ac�ivity shalI co�nence ur�tzl a�prQVai Qf <br />the erosion and sediment eontrol plan. <br />P�ojeets caordinated by Ra�sey County or Mr►/DO T da z�ot arequire a pe�it; however, the <br />1�1 <br />