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�654 <br />4665 <br />4666 <br />�667 <br />4668 <br />4669 <br />4670 <br />4b71 <br />4672 <br />4673 <br />4674 <br />4675 <br />4676 <br />4677 <br />4675 <br />4b79 <br />4680 <br />468� <br />4682 <br />4683 <br />4684 <br />46$S <br />4&86 <br />4b8'� <br />4688 <br />4689 <br />4690 <br />469� <br />46g2 <br />4693 <br />�694 <br />4695 <br />4696 <br />�697 <br />4698 <br />4G99 <br />4700 <br />4701 <br />4702 <br />4703 <br />4704 <br />4705 <br />�7Qb <br />4707 <br />4708 <br />4709 <br />City must be nati�ed of th� projeci and be provided a cp�y of the erosion and sec�irr�ent <br />co�trol pla�, as well as ar� estim�ted sc�cdule fa� comniencezx�en� and edrri�letian. Th� City <br />will �atify the designated con�act if erosion contarol z�easures sk�ould �ail or require <br />�ainte�a�ce with the expectation t�iat t�e deficiencies will be correcfied. <br />�f �o per�zit �as been obtain�d, a sto� work order shall be issued on ihe construciio� and a <br />fine s�a1l be iss�ed in an arr�nunt equal tn twice t�e requir�d pez-�ait fee. A cornpleted ernsio� <br />and sedi�aent conlrol �la� a�d per�r�it application shall be suhmit�ed hefore constructio� will <br />be allowed to resume. <br />Every Pezz��ttee mus� aiso obiaan, w�en a�pl�cable, permits frorr� agencies incl�ding, but nat <br />limited to, the following: <br />1. Minnesota Pollui�on Contrnl A�ency (MPCA) National Poll��ant Discharge Elirz�i�ation <br />System (NPDES). T�is permit is requzrec� for any construction activity dist�r�ing: <br />•One acr� or rmare oi soii. <br />•Less thar� ane ac�'e o� soil i� that actzvity zs part af a"larger common plar� o� <br />developmen� or saie" tha� is greater than one acre. <br />•Less than. o�e acre of snil, but the M�'CA c�etermines tha� the aciir�i�y pases a risk to <br />water resa�rces. <br />2. The apparapxzate watersh�d distarict. Wa�ershed distriets in Rnseville inc�ude Rice Creek <br />Watersl�ed Dislrict, Capifial Re�ion �Natershed Disiric� and Grass Lake Watez'shed <br />Mar�agez�aent Or�anization , <br />B. Cri�:eria Addressed: The erosian a�ad sedzz�ae�zt control plan shall address the following c�iteria: <br />1. Confaarna io the natural limi#ations presenfied by tapography anc� soil so as to c�eate the <br />least potezztial for soil erasion <br />2. Stabilize all e��psed soiis and soil stockpiles <br />3. Establ'zs� permanent veg�tatio� <br />4. Prevent sedizxaent damage to adjacent pro�erties and ather designaied areas <br />5. Scheclule af er€�sinn a�zd sedimen� ca��ol �ractices <br />6. Use terraporary sedimentatio� basins <br />7. Stabilization a£ s�eep slopes <br />S. Contral the sto�n v�ater leavi�g a sife <br />9. Stabilzze al� waterways and outlets <br />lO.Parotect storm sev,�ers fraz� the en�rance of sedinr�e�t, de%xis az�d t�rash <br />� 1.Ca�taro� waste, such as discarded building materials, canerete truc�C washout, chemicals, <br />�itter and sanitary waste that may advers�ly impaci water quality <br />�2:'�he� working in or crossing waier badies, ta�Ce precautiaras io contai,n sedimeni <br />� 3.Restabi�zze utili�y canstructia� areas as sonn as possib�e <br />14.Protect paved roads frozn sediment and :mud bro�g�t in froz�a access routes <br />15.Dis�ose af temparary earosian and sediment coz��arol meas�res <br />16.IVIaintain all t��para�'y and perrnanent carosxan and �ediment control �ractices <br />17.RemQ�al of sediment #�rpm streets at the end of eaeh day <br />C. Contents of Plan. The ero,sion and sedimer�t contral plan sh�ll include the following: <br />l.Cantrac� in�ormatio� far the P�rrr�ittee <br />2.Projcct description: tlae �ature and purpase of the laa�d dist��i�zg activity and the amnunt of <br />grading ir�volved <br />3. Phasing of cons�ructian: the nature and p�rpc�se of the la�d distt�rbing activity and �he <br />142 <br />